Trends, Impacts, and Cost of Catastrophic and Frequent Wildfires in the Sagebrush Biome

TitleTrends, Impacts, and Cost of Catastrophic and Frequent Wildfires in the Sagebrush Biome
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsCrist, MR, Belger, R, Davies, KW, Davis, DM, Meldrum, JR, Shinneman, DJ, Remington, TE, Welty, J, Mayer, KE
JournalRangeland Ecology & Management
Pagination3 - 19
Date Published07/23
Call Number1081
KeywordsEcosystem services, fire ecology, Fire suppression, Invasive non-native grasses, sagebrush, wildlife
Short TitleRangeland Ecology & Management
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