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Journal Article
C. E. Roselli, Estill, C. T., Stadelman, H. L., and Stormshak, F., The volume of the ovine sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area is independent of adult testosterone concentrations, Brain Research, vol. 1249, pp. 113 - 117, 2009.
C. E. Roselli, Larkin, K., Resko, J. A., Stellflug, J. N., and Stormshak, F., The volume of a sexually dimorphic nucleus in the ovine medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus varies with sexual partner preference., Endocrinology, vol. 145, no. 2, pp. 478-83, 2004.
U. Salli, Saito, N., and Stormshak, F., Spatiotemporal Interactions of Myristoylated Alanine-Rich C Kinase Substrate (MARCKS) Protein with the Actin Cytoskeleton and Exocytosis of Oxytocin upon Prostaglandin F2α Stimulation of Bovine Luteal Cells1, Biology of Reproduction, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 2053 - 2058, 2003.
C. E. Roselli, Larkin, K., Schrunk, J. M., and Stormshak, F., Sexual partner preference, hypothalamic morphology and aromatase in rams., Physiol Behav, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 233-45, 2004.
K. L. Pinckard, Stellflug, J., Resko, J. A., Roselli, C. E., and Stormshak, F., Review: brain aromatization and other factors affecting male reproductive behavior with emphasis on the sexual orientation of rams☆, Domestic Animal Endocrinology, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 83 - 96, 2000.
J. M. Burke, Bishop, C., and Stormshak, F., Reproductive characteristics of endophyte-infected or novel tall fescue fed ewes, Livestock Science, vol. 104, no. 1-2, pp. 103 - 111, 2006.
C. E. Roselli, Stormshak, F., Stellflug, J. N., and Resko, J. A., Relationship of serum testosterone concentrations to mate preferences in rams., Biol Reprod, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 263-8, 2002.
S. J. Filley, Turner, H. A., and Stormshak, F., Prostaglandin F2α Concentrations, Fatty Acid Profiles, and Fertility in Lipid-Infused Postpartum Beef Heifers1, Biology of Reproduction, vol. 61313121554837121429121135469173762346141524872161499686768447445566823681414021102, no. 5suppl 1suppl 1suppl 1suppl 3suppl 2suppl 1, pp. 1317 - 1323, 1999.
C. E. Roselli, Bocklandt, S., Stadelman, H. L., Wadsworth, T., Vilain, E., and Stormshak, F., Prolactin expression in the sheep brain., Neuroendocrinology, vol. 87, no. 4, pp. 206-15, 2008.
C. Bishop, Filtz, T., Zhang, Y., Slayden, O., and Stormshak, F., Progesterone suppresses an oxytocin-stimulated signal pathway in COS-7 cells transfected with the oxytocin receptor, Steroids, vol. 73, no. 14, pp. 1367 - 1374, 2008.
C. E. Roselli and Stormshak, F., Prenatal programming of sexual partner preference: the ram model., J Neuroendocrinol, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 359-64, 2009.
S. J. Filley, Turner, H. A., and Stormshak, F., Plasma fatty acids, prostaglandin F2alpha metabolite, and reproductive response in postpartum heifers fed rumen bypass fat., Journal of Animal Science, vol. 78, no. 1, p. 139, 2000.
U. Salli, Supancic, S., and Stormshak, F., Phosphorylation of Myristoylated Alanine-Rich C Kinase Substrate (MARCKS) Protein Is Associated with Bovine Luteal Oxytocin Exocytosis1, Biology of Reproduction, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 12 - 20, 2000.
C. E. Roselli, Stadelman, H., Reeve, R., Bishop, C., and Stormshak, F., The Ovine Sexually Dimorphic Nucleus of the Medial Preoptic Area Is Organized Prenatally by Testosterone, Endocrinology, vol. 148, no. 9, pp. 4450 - 4457, 2007.
C. E. Roselli, Stadelman, H., Reeve, R., Bishop, C., and Stormshak, F., The ovine sexually dimorphic nucleus of the medial preoptic area is organized prenatally by testosterone., Endocrinology, vol. 148, no. 9, pp. 4450-7, 2007.
C. E. Roselli and Stormshak, F., The ovine sexually dimorphic nucleus, aromatase, and sexual partner preferences in sheep, The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, vol. 118, no. 4-5, pp. 252 - 256, 2010.
E. M. Paslay, Jaeger, J. R., Salli, U., and Stormshak, F., Ovarian function in ewes after treatment with mifepristone early during the oestrous cycle., Reproduction, vol. 125, no. 2, pp. 205-10, 2003.
K. A. Dunlap and Stormshak, F., Nongenomic inhibition of oxytocin binding by progesterone in the ovine uterus., Biol Reprod, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 65-9, 2004.
C. Bishop and Stormshak, F., Non-genomic actions of progesterone and estrogens in regulating reproductive events in domestic animals, The Veterinary Journal, vol. 176, no. 3, pp. 270 - 280, 2008.
C. Bishop and Stormshak, F., Non-genomic actions of progesterone and estrogens in regulating reproductive events in domestic animals., Vet J, vol. 176, no. 3, pp. 270-80, 2008.
C. Bishop and Stormshak, F., Nongenomic Action of Progesterone Inhibits Oxytocin-Induced Phosphoinositide Hydrolysis and Prostaglandin F Secretion in the Ovine Endometrium, Endocrinology, vol. 147, no. 2, pp. 937 - 942, 2006.
C. E. Roselli and Stormshak, F., The neurobiology of sexual partner preferences in rams, Hormones and Behavior, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 611 - 620, 2009.
S. Filley, Supancic, S., Salli, U., Orwig, K., and Stormshak, F., Myristoylated Alanine-Rich C Kinase Substrate Protein and mRNA in Bovine Corpus Luteum During the Estrous Cycle, Endocrine, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 289 - 294, 2000.
K. L. Pinckard, Stellflug, J., and Stormshak, F., Influence of castration and estrogen replacement on sexual behavior of female-oriented, male-oriented, and asexual rams., J Anim Sci, vol. 78, no. 7, pp. 1947-53, 2000.