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T. Delcurto, C., K., DeBano, S. J., Thorp, R. W., Taylor, R. V., Schmalz, H. J., Johnson, T. N., Kennedy, P. L., and Rao, S., Short-term responses of native bees to livestock and implications for managing ecosystem services in grasslands, vol. 3, no. 10, 2012.
G. B. Crosbie, Chiu, P. C., and Ross, A. S., Shortened Temperature Program for Application with a Rapid Visco Analyser in Prediction of Noodle Quality in Wheat, Cereal Chemistry Journal, vol. 79, no. 4, pp. 596 - 599, 2002.
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S. Bag, Druffel, K. L., Rondon, S. I., Rilley, D. G., and Papu, H. R., A serological assay for the detection of the nonstructural protein (NSs) of Iris yellow spot virus and its use in virus detection in plant and thrips vectors, IX International Symposium on Thysanoptera and Topoviruses. International Symposium on Thysanoptera and Topoviruses, pp. 134-135, 2009.
S. Bag, Druffel, K. L., Rondon, S. I., Rilley, D. G., and Papu, H. R., A serological assay for the detection of the nonstructural protein (NSs) of Iris yellow spot virus and its use in virus detection in plant and thrips vectors, IX International Symposium on Thysanoptera and Topoviruses. International Symposium on Thysanoptera and Topoviruses, pp. 134-135, 2009.
S. Muñoz-Amatriaín, Lonardi, S., Luo, M. C., Madishetty, K., Svensson, J. T., Moscou, M. J., Wanamaker, S., Jiang, T., Kleinhofs, A., Muehlbauer, G. J., Wise, R. P., Stein, N., Ma, Y., Rodriguez, E., Kudrna, D., Bhat, P. R., Chao, S., Condamine, P., Heinen, S., Resnik, J., Wing, R., Witt, H. N., Alpert, M., Beccuti, M., Bozdag, S., Cordero, F., Mirebrahim, H., Ounit, R., Wu, Y., You, F., Zheng, J., Simková, H., Dolezel, J., Grimwood, J., Schmutz, J., Duma, D., Altschmied, L., Blake, T. K., Bregitzer, P., Cooper, L., Dilbirligi, M., Falk, A., Feiz, L., Graner, A., Gustafson, P., Hayes, P. M., Lemaux, P., Mammadov, J., and Close, T. J., Sequencing of 15 622 gene-bearing BACs clarifies the gene-dense regions of the barley genome, The Plant Journal, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 216 - 227, 2015.
S. Muñoz-Amatriaín, Lonardi, S., Luo, M. C., Madishetty, K., Svensson, J. T., Moscou, M. J., Wanamaker, S., Jiang, T., Kleinhofs, A., Muehlbauer, G. J., Wise, R. P., Stein, N., Ma, Y., Rodriguez, E., Kudrna, D., Bhat, P. R., Chao, S., Condamine, P., Heinen, S., Resnik, J., Wing, R., Witt, H. N., Alpert, M., Beccuti, M., Bozdag, S., Cordero, F., Mirebrahim, H., Ounit, R., Wu, Y., You, F., Zheng, J., Simková, H., Dolezel, J., Grimwood, J., Schmutz, J., Duma, D., Altschmied, L., Blake, T. K., Bregitzer, P., Cooper, L., Dilbirligi, M., Falk, A., Feiz, L., Graner, A., Gustafson, P., Hayes, P. M., Lemaux, P., Mammadov, J., and Close, T. J., Sequencing of 15 622 gene-bearing BACs clarifies the gene-dense regions of the barley genome, The Plant Journal, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 216 - 227, 2015.
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S. P. Arthurs, Lacey, L. A., Pruneda, J. N., and Rondon, S. I., Semi-field evaluation of a granulovirus and Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. kurstaki for season-long control of the potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 276 - 285, 2008.
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M. E. Moustafa, Carlson, B. A., Anver, M. R., Bobe, G., Zhong, N., Ward, J. M., Perella, C. M., Hoffmann, V. J., Rogers, K., Combs, G. F., Schweizer, U., Merlino, G., Gladyshev, V. N., and Hatfield, D. L., Selenium and Selenoprotein Deficiencies Induce Widespread Pyogranuloma Formation in Mice, while High Levels of Dietary Selenium Decrease Liver Tumor Size Driven by TGFα, PLoS ONE, no. 2, p. e57389, 2013.