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“Modelling Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Phenological Development. ”, 2nd World Alfalfa Congress. Cordoba, Argentina, 2018.
, “Modelling Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Phenological Development. ”, 2nd World Alfalfa Congress. Cordoba, Argentina, 2018.
, “A new threat in the Columbia Basin of Oregon and Washington: Zebra Chip”, 11th Annual Zebra Chip Reporting Session. Zebra Chip Reporting Session, San Antonio, Texas, pp. 1-6, 2011.
, “Nutritional considerations of grass seed straw for beef cattle”, Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition. 2011.
, “Optimal supplementation strategies for beef cattle consuming low-quality forages in the Western United States”, J. Anim. Sci. Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Science, Supplementation, Protein, and Grazing Management. 2000.
, “Optimal supplementation strategies for beef cattle consuming low-quality forages in the Western United States”, J. Anim. Sci. Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Science, Supplementation, Protein, and Grazing Management. 2000.
, “Oregon Forages”, NCCC-031 Annual Meeting. Corvallis, Oregon, 2016.
, “Oregon State Report to NCCC31”, Ecophysiological Aspects of Forage Management Ann. Mtg. Lincoln, NE, 2018.
, “Oregon Station Report”, Intensive Pasture Management for Sustainable Livestock Production in the Western US. Ann. Mtg. Reno, Nevada, 2017.
, “Pest management implications when using precision agriculture in an irrigated potatoes cropping system”, XXVI Congreso Latinoamericano de la papa-ALAP. Congreso Latinoamericano de la papa-ALAP, Bogota, Colombia, p. 240, 2014.
, “Pest management implications when using precision agriculture in an irrigated potatoes cropping system”, XXVI Congreso Latinoamericano de la papa-ALAP. Congreso Latinoamericano de la papa-ALAP, Bogota, Colombia, p. 240, 2014.
, “Potato tuberworm research in the Columbia Basin 2006”, Washington State Potato Commission. Washington State Potato Commission, Moses Lake, Washington, pp. 99-103, 2007.
, “Practical Broiler Production - A hands on approach to student learning”, FASS/Poultry Science Association Annual meeting. 2001.
, “Protein supplementation of ruminants consuming low-quality cool- or warm-season forage: Differences in intake and digestibility”, American Society of Animal Science - Western Section, vol. 58, no. 11. 2007.
, “Rapid detection of Colorado potato beetle damage using small unmanned aircraft”, Agricultural remote sensing symposium: challenges and opportunities. Agricultural remote sensing symposium, 2015.
, “Rapid detection of Colorado potato beetle damage using small unmanned aircraft”, Agricultural remote sensing symposium: challenges and opportunities. Agricultural remote sensing symposium, 2015.
, “Reducing potato tuberworm damage with cultural practices”, Washington State Potato Commission. Washington State Potato Commission, Moses Lake, Washington, pp. 7-13, 2007.
, “Research on the development, biology, and control of potato tubermoth in the Columbia Basin conducted at OSU’s Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center”, Washington State Potato Conference. Washington State Potato Conference, Moses Lake, Washington, pp. 13-38, 2006.
, “Sagebrush control in Oregon”, 11th Annual meeting of the American Society of Range Management . Phoenix, AZ, 1958.
, “Sagebrush control in Oregon”, 11th Annual meeting of the American Society of Range Management. Phoenix, AZ, 1985.
, “School reform and 4-H: designing a learning strategy for your program.”, NAE4-HA Annual meeting. Bismark, ND, pp. 24-25, 2001.
, “Seed Production and Germination”, Sakata Seed Corp. Yokohama, Japan, 2012.
, “Seed Production Physiology/Global Seed Research Update”, Japanese Seed Trade Association . Tokyo, Japan, 2010.
, “Selenium Fertilization of Pastures”, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science. 2001.
, “Soil and litter organisms and processes in Pacific Northwest forests at two elevations and under different management practices”, Proceedings of the 9th North American Forest Soils Conference. Tahoe City, CA, 1998.