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R. E. Hunt and Rondon, S. I., Detection of potato beetle damage using remote sensing from small unmanned aircraft systems, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, vol. 11, no. 2, p. 026013, 2017.
R. E. Hunt, Rondon, S. I., Turner, R. W., Bruce, A. E., and Brungardt, J. J., Detection of potato beetle damage using remote sensing from small unmanned aircraft system, in 13th International Conference of Precision Agriculture, 2016.
S. H. Park, Jarquin, R., Hanning, I., Almeida, G., and Ricke, S. C., Detection of Salmonella spp. survival and virulence in poultry feed by targeting the hilA gene, Journal of applied microbiology, vol. 111, pp. 426–432, 2011.
M. C. Qian and Reineccius, G., Determination of aroma compounds in Parmigiano Reggiano cheese by a dynamic headspace -gas chromatography/olfactometry, Flavour and Fragrance, vol. 18, pp. 253-260, 2003.
S. Wada, Niedz, R. P., and Reed, B. M., Determining nitrate and ammonium requirements for optimal in vitro response of diverse pear species, In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, vol. 5127711669136409942825551421534385028915349499494634927, no. 12, pp. 19 - 27, 2015.
B. M. Reed, DeNoma, J., Wada, S., and Niedz, R., Determining optimum in vitro mineral nutrition for diverse pear germplasm using response surface methodology, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1113, pp. 79 - 84, 2016.
M. Rehman, Hansen, J. L., Mallory-Smith, C., Hang, A., Burton, C., and Zemetra, R. S., Determining the pollen parent of field-grown backcross progenies of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) X jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica Host) hybrids using genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), Crop Sci, 2010.
M. M. de Oca and Rondon, S. I., Determining vertical distribution of thrips, in 77th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland. Oregon, 2018.
P. L. Diebel, Reimer, J., Antle, J. M., Capalbo, S. M., Murthy, G. S., Ainsworth, J., Juneja, A. N., McDaniels, A., Tabatabaie, S. Mohammad H., Zheng, X., and , Developing a Sustainable Biofuels System in the Pacific Northwest: Economic, Policy and Commercialization Analysis, 2012.
R. Contreras and Ruter, J. M., Developing an evergreen, evergreen: Winter browning in Japanese cedar, Amer. Conifer Soc. Quarterly J., vol. 27(1), pp. 19-23, 2010.
P. G. Kawar, Kardile, H., Raja, S., Dutt, S., Kumar, R., Manivel, P., Bhardwaj, V., Singh, B., Govindakrishnan, P., and Chakrabarti, S., Developing early-maturing and stress-resistant potato varieties, 2018.
D. L. Walenta, Rondon, S. I., Hamm, P. B., Murphy, A. F., and Echegaray, E. R., Developing IPM tactics for zebra chip: a new threat to PNW potato production, 72nd annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 90-93, 2013.
K. Buckland, Reeve, J. R., and Creech, J. E., Developing organic quinoa cropping systems for the Western United States, in American Society of Agronomy conference, 2014.
K. Buckland, Reeve, J. R., and Creech, J. E., Developing organic quinoa cropping systems for Utah, in American Society of Agronomy, 2015.
B. Meints, Cuesta-Marcos, A., Ross, A. S., Fisk, S., Kongraksawech, T., Marshall, J. M., Murphy, K., and Hayes, P. M., Developing Winter Food Barley for the Pacific Northwest of the US, Crop Science, vol. 55, no. 4, p. 1563, 2015.
B. Meints, Cuesta-Marcos, A., Ross, A. S., Fisk, S., Kongraksawech, T., Marshall, J. M., Murphy, K., and Hayes, P., Developing Winter Food Barley for the Pacific Northwest of the US. Crop Science, 2015.
F. Avila, Das, P. J., Kutzler, M., Owens, E., Perelman, P., Rubes, J., Hornak, M., Johnson, W. E., and Raudsepp, T., Development and Application of Camelid Molecular Cytogenetic Tools, Journal of Heredity, vol. 105, no. 6, pp. 952 - 963, 2014.
F. Avila, Das, P. J., Kutzler, M., Owens, E., Perelman, P., Rubes, J., Hornak, M., Johnson, W. E., and Raudsepp, T., Development and Application of Camelid Molecular Cytogenetic Tools, Journal of Heredity, vol. 105, no. 6, pp. 952 - 963, 2014.
I. S. Sobhy, Sarhan, A. A., Shoukry, A. A., El-Kady, G. A., Mandour, N. S., and Reitz, S. R., Development, consumption rates and reproductive biology of Orius albidipennis reared on various prey, BioControl, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 753 - 765, 2010.
C. Roper, Simonich, S. L. Massey, and Tanguay, R. L., Development of a high-throughput in vivo screening platform for particulate matter exposures., Environ Pollut, vol. 235, pp. 993-1005, 2018.
S. Ae Kim, Park, S. Hong, Lee, S. In, and Ricke, S. C., Development of a rapid method to quantify Salmonella Typhimurium using a combination of MPN with qPCR and a shortened time incubation., Food Microbiol, vol. 65, pp. 7-18, 2017.
S. H. Park and Ricke, S. C., Development of multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection of S almonella genus, S almonella subspecies I, S alm. E nteritidis, Salm. Heidelberg and S alm. T yphimurium, Journal of applied microbiology, vol. 118, pp. 152–160, 2015.
J. Chen, Lei, L., Tian, L., Hou, F., Roper, C., Ge, X., Zhao, Y., Chen, Y., Dong, Q., TANGUAY, R., and Huang, C., Developmental and behavioral alterations in zebrafish embryonically exposed to valproic acid (VPA): An aquatic model for autism, Neurotoxicol Teratol, vol. 66, 2018.
J. Chen, Lei, L., Tian, L., Hou, F., Roper, C., Ge, X., Zhao, Y., Chen, Y., Dong, Q., Tanguay, R. L., and Huang, C., Developmental and behavioral alterations in zebrafish embryonically exposed to valproic acid (VPA): An aquatic model for autism., Neurotoxicol Teratol, vol. 66, pp. 8-16, 2018.
S. Harper and Reiber, C., Developmental cardiac responses to GABA in the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii and the relevance to crayfish burrow ecology, Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, pp. 158–163, 1999.