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I. Tandingan De Ley, Holovachov, O., McDonnell, R., Bert, W., Paine, T., and De Ley, P., Description of Phasmarhabditis californica new species and first report of P. papillosa (Nematoda: Rhabditidae) from invasive slugs in the United States, Nematology, vol. 18, 2016.
I. Arismendi, Johnson, S. L., Dunham, J. B., and HAGGERTY, R. O. Y., Descriptors of natural thermal regimes in streams and their responsiveness to change in the Pacific Northwest of North America, Freshwater Biology, vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 880 - 894, 2013.
J. Scherberg, Baker, T., Selker, J., and Henry, R., Design of managed aquifer recharge for agricultural and ecological water supply assessed through numerical modeling, Water resources management, vol. 28, pp. 4971–4984, 2014.
J. Reimer and Hill, L. D., Designing US Corn Grades to Reflect End Use Value, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, vol. 35, pp. 15–28, 2003.
C. J. Palm, Donegan, K., Harris, D., and Seidler, R. J., Detection in the environment of pesticidal compounds produced by transgenic plants, Proceedings of the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Symposium. University of Maryland Publication #1001, Baltimore, Maryland, pp. 357-363, 1994.
R. E. Hunt and Rondon, S. I., Detection of potato beetle damage using remote sensing from small unmanned aircraft systems, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, vol. 11, no. 2, p. 026013, 2017.
R. E. Hunt, Rondon, S. I., Turner, R. W., Bruce, A. E., and Brungardt, J. J., Detection of potato beetle damage using remote sensing from small unmanned aircraft system, in 13th International Conference of Precision Agriculture, 2016.
S. H. Park, Jarquin, R., Hanning, I., Almeida, G., and Ricke, S. C., Detection of Salmonella spp. survival and virulence in poultry feed by targeting the hilA gene, Journal of applied microbiology, vol. 111, pp. 426–432, 2011.
C. N. Cavasotto, Liu, G., James, S. Y., Hobbs, P. D., Peterson, V. J., Bhattacharya, A. A., Kolluri, S., Zhang, X. -kun, Leid, M., Abagyan, R., Liddington, R. C., and Dawson, M. I., Determinants of Retinoid X Receptor Transcriptional Antagonism, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 47, no. 18, pp. 4360 - 4372, 2004.
O. Motorykin, ii, Schrlau, J., Jia, Y., Harper, B., Harris, S., Harding, A. K., Stone, D., Kile, M., Sudakin, D. L., and Simonich, S. L. Massey, Determination of parent and hydroxy PAHs in personal PM2.5 and urine samples collected during Native American fish smoking activities, Science of The Total Environment, vol. 505, pp. 694 - 703, 2015.
O. Motorykin, ii, Schrlau, J., Jia, Y., Harper, B., Harris, S., Harding, A. K., Stone, D., Kile, M., Sudakin, D. L., and Simonich, S. L. Massey, Determination of parent and hydroxy PAHs in personal PM2.5 and urine samples collected during Native American fish smoking activities, Science of The Total Environment, vol. 505, pp. 694 - 703, 2015.
O. Motorykin, ii, Schrlau, J., Jia, Y., Harper, B., Harris, S., Harding, A. K., Stone, D., Kile, M., Sudakin, D. L., and Simonich, S. L. Massey, Determination of parent and hydroxy PAHs in personal PM2.5 and urine samples collected during Native American fish smoking activities, Science of The Total Environment, vol. 505, pp. 694 - 703, 2015.
M. Rehman, Hansen, J. L., Mallory-Smith, C., Hang, A., Burton, C., and Zemetra, R. S., Determining the pollen parent of field-grown backcross progenies of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) X jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica Host) hybrids using genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), Crop Sci, 2010.
M. Rehman, Hansen, J. L., Mallory-Smith, C., Hang, A., Burton, C., and Zemetra, R. S., Determining the pollen parent of field-grown backcross progenies of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) X jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica Host) hybrids using genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), Crop Sci, 2010.
J. M. Kidd, Hanigan, D., Truong, L., Hristovski, K., Tanguay, R., and Westerhoff, P. K., Developing and interpreting aqueous functional assays for comparative property-activity relationships of different nanoparticles., Sci Total Environ, vol. 628-629, pp. 1609-1616, 2018.
J. M. Kidd, Hanigan, D., Truong, L., Hristovski, K., Tanguay, R., and Westerhoff, P. K., Developing and interpreting aqueous functional assays for comparative property-activity relationships of different nanoparticles., Sci Total Environ, vol. 628-629, pp. 1609-1616, 2018.
M. A. Hemstrom, Halofsky, J. E., Conklin, D. R., Halofsky, J. S., Bachelet, D., and Kerns, B. K., Developing climate-informed state-and-transition models, Integrating Social, Economic, and Ecological Values Across Large Landscapes, Gen Tech Rep PNW-GTR-896, Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, pp. 175–202, 2014.
M. A. Hemstrom, Halofsky, J. E., Conklin, D. R., Halofsky, J. S., Bachelet, D., and Kerns, B. K., Developing climate-informed state-and-transition models, Integrating Social, Economic, and Ecological Values Across Large Landscapes, Gen Tech Rep PNW-GTR-896, Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, pp. 175–202, 2014.
M. A. Hemstrom, Halofsky, J. E., Conklin, D. R., Halofsky, J. S., Bachelet, D., and Kerns, B. K., Developing climate-informed state-and-transition models, Integrating Social, Economic, and Ecological Values Across Large Landscapes, Gen Tech Rep PNW-GTR-896, Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, pp. 175–202, 2014.
D. L. Walenta, Rondon, S. I., Hamm, P. B., Murphy, A. F., and Echegaray, E. R., Developing IPM tactics for zebra chip: a new threat to PNW potato production, 72nd annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 90-93, 2013.
B. Meints, Cuesta-Marcos, A., Ross, A. S., Fisk, S., Kongraksawech, T., Marshall, J. M., Murphy, K., and Hayes, P. M., Developing Winter Food Barley for the Pacific Northwest of the US, Crop Science, vol. 55, no. 4, p. 1563, 2015.
B. Meints, Cuesta-Marcos, A., Ross, A. S., Fisk, S., Kongraksawech, T., Marshall, J. M., Murphy, K., and Hayes, P., Developing Winter Food Barley for the Pacific Northwest of the US. Crop Science, 2015.
F. Avila, Das, P. J., Kutzler, M., Owens, E., Perelman, P., Rubes, J., Hornak, M., Johnson, W. E., and Raudsepp, T., Development and Application of Camelid Molecular Cytogenetic Tools, Journal of Heredity, vol. 105, no. 6, pp. 952 - 963, 2014.
N. Cortés, Kunz, T., Suárez, A. Furukawa, Hughes, P. S., and Methner, F. - J., Development and correlation between the organic radical concentration in different malt types and oxidative beer stability, Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, vol. 68, pp. 107–113, 2010.
J. Selker and Haith, D. A., Development and testing of single-parameter precipitation distributions, 1990.