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“Potential of a strain of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) as a biological control agent against western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)”, Biocontrol Science and Technology, vol. 221829, no. 4, pp. 491 - 495, 2012.
, “Potential use of the fungus Beauveria bassiana against the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis without reducing the effectiveness of its natural predator Orius sauteri (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae)”, Biocontrol Science and Technology, vol. 22182726, no. 7, pp. 803 - 812, 2012.
, “Practical Techniques and Accuracy for Sexing the Potato Tuberworm, Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)”, Florida Entomologist, vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 113 - 115, 2010.
, “Predicting winter wheat growth based on integrating remote sensing and crop growth modeling techniques”, Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2011.
, “PSDX: A Comprehensive Multi-Omics Association Database of With a Focus on the Secondary Growth in Response to Stresses.”, Front Plant Sci, vol. 12, p. 655565, 2021.
, “Public Investment and Industry Incentives in Life-Science Research”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 91, no. 2, pp. 374 - 388, 2009.
, “Quantification of dynamic changes to blood volume and vascular flow in the primate corpus luteum during the menstrual cycle”, Journal of Medical Primatology, vol. 433395839043712243841429931713714138154128908474, no. 6Suppl 8, pp. 445 - 454, 2014.
, “Radiocarbon-Based Partitioning of Soil Respiration in an Old-Growth Coniferous Forest”, Ecosystems, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 459 - 470, 2015.
, “Reproductive toxicity of low level bisphenol A exposures in a two-generation zebrafish assay: Evidence of male-specific effects.”, Aquat Toxicol, vol. 169, pp. 204-14, 2015.
, “Reproductive toxicity of low level bisphenol A exposures in a two-generation zebrafish assay: Evidence of male-specific effects”, Aquatic Toxicology, vol. 169, pp. 204 - 214, 2015.
, “Reproductive toxicity of low level bisphenol A exposures in a two-generation zebrafish assay: Evidence of male-specific effects.”, Aquat Toxicol, vol. 169, pp. 204-14, 2015.
, “Reproductive toxicity of low level bisphenol A exposures in a two-generation zebrafish assay: Evidence of male-specific effects”, Aquatic Toxicology, vol. 169, pp. 204 - 214, 2015.
, “Siberian wildrye seed yield limited by assimilate source”, Field Crops Research, vol. 218, pp. 18-23, 2017.
, “Sorption of fluorinated herbicides to plant biomass-derived biochars as a function of molecular structure”, Bioresource Technology, vol. 102, no. 21, pp. 9897 - 9903, 2011.
, “Spatial distribution and seasonal variation of atmospheric bulk deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Beijing–Tianjin region, North China”, Environmental Pollution, vol. 159, no. 1, pp. 287 - 293, 2011.
, “Structure-activity relationships of the main bioactive constituents of Euodia ruticarpa on aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation and bile acid homeostasis”, Drug Metabolism and Disposition, p. dmd.117.080176, 2018.
, “TBBPA exposure during a sensitive developmental window produces neurobehavioral changes in larval zebrafish.”, Environ Pollut, vol. 216, 2016.
, “TBBPA exposure during a sensitive developmental window produces neurobehavioral changes in larval zebrafish.”, Environ Pollut, vol. 216, pp. 53-63, 2016.
, “TBBPA exposure during a sensitive developmental window produces neurobehavioral changes in larval zebrafish”, Environmental Pollution, vol. 216, pp. 53 - 63, 2016.
, “Three human cell types respond to multi-walled carbon nanotubes and titanium dioxide nanobelts with cell-specific transcriptomic and proteomic expression patterns”, Nanotoxicology, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 533 - 548, 2014.
, “Transcriptome in small antral follicles of monkeys on a western-style diet with/without testosterone”, Reproduction Abstracts, 2014.
, “Transcriptome in small antral follicles of monkeys on a western-style diet with/without testosterone”, Reproduction Abstracts, 2014.
, “Two genomes of highly polyphagous lepidopteran pests (Spodoptera frugiperda, Noctuidae) with different host-plant ranges.”, Sci Rep, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 11816, 2017.
, “Unique anti-activator protein-1 activity of retinoic acid receptor $\beta$”, Cancer research, vol. 60, pp. 3271–3280, 2000.
, “Validierung von Housekeeping Genen für Genexpressionsanalysen im fetalen Gewebe”, Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie, vol. 217, no. S 01, 2013.