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“Ensembl Genomes 2020-enabling non-vertebrate genomic research.”, Nucleic acids research, 2019.
, “Ensembl Genomes 2020-enabling non-vertebrate genomic research.”, Nucleic acids research, 2019.
, “Environmental and Vegetative Controls on Soil CO2 Efflux in Three Semiarid Ecosystems”, Soil Systems, 2019.
, “Environmental and Vegetative Controls on Soil CO2 Efflux in Three Semiarid Ecosystems”, Soil Systems, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-19, 2019.
, Environmental Science and EngineeringMaking Transparent Environmental Management Decisions. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
, “Environmental stress and genetics influence night-time leaf conductance in the C 4 grass Distichlis spicata”, Functional Plant Biology, vol. 36, no. 1, p. 50, 2009.
, “Environmental stresses modulate abundance and timing of alternatively spliced circadian transcripts in Arabidopsis.”, Molecular plant, vol. 8, pp. 207-27, 2015.
, “An environmentally driven time-integrating water sampler”, Water resources research, vol. 41, 2005.
, “EOARC, Annual Report: Changes in an Ungrazed Wyoming Big Sagebrush Plant Community Over Three Years of Different Rainfall”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
, “EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Growth, Plant Water Relations and Carbon Allocation of Heart-Podded Hoary Cress (Cardaria draba (L.) Desv.)”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
, “EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: The Historic Expansion of Western Juniper in Southeastern Oregon”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
, “EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Vegetation Change in Response to 56 Years of Livestock Exclusion”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
, “EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Weather and Physical Data”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
, “EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Wolf Plants: How Finicky are Cattle About old Growth in Standing Forage?”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
, “EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Wyoming Big Sagebrush: Coping with Drought”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
, “EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Year and Season Effects on Diet Quality of Beef Cattle Grazing Northern Great Basin Rangelands”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
, “EOARC, Annual Report: Western Juniper Woodland Program”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
, “EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: Fire History and Juniper Expansion in Southeastern Oregon”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
, “eOrganic: the Organic Agriculture Community of Practice for eXtension”, HortTechnology, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 583-588, 2012.
, “ERIM (Electrical Resistivity Infiltrometer Monitoring): A non-invasive method for detection of preferential flow in soils”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
, “Erythritol sprays reduce D. suzukii infestation without impacting honey bee visitation nor fruit qualityAbstractBackgroundResultsConclusion”, Pest Management Science, 2023.
, “Establishing a Weed Prevention Area: A Step-by-Step User's Guide”, Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center, pp. 1–40, 2011.
, “Estimating Oregon’s Forage Production Potential Using GIS-based Modeling and Mapping Techniques”. 2014.
, “Estimating Total Fish Abundance and Total Habitat Area in Small Streams Based on Visual Estimation Methods”, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 834 - 844, 1988.
, “Estimation of a performance function for evaluating range improvement investments”, in Proceedings, Annual Meeting (Western Agricultural Economics Association), 1972.