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K. L. Howe, Contreras-Moreira, B., De Silva, N., Maslen, G., Akanni, W., Allen, J., Alvarez-Jarreta, J., Barba, M., Bolser, D. M., Cambell, L., Carbajo, M., Chakiachvili, M., Christensen, M., Cummins, C., Cuzick, A., Davis, P., Fexova, S., Gall, A., George, N., Gil, L., Gupta, P., Hammond-Kosack, K. E., Haskell, E., Hunt, S. E., Jaiswal, P., Janacek, S. H., Kersey, P. J., Langridge, N., Maheswari, U., Maurel, T., McDowall, M. D., Moore, B., Muffato, M., Naamati, G., Naithani, S., Olson, A., Papatheodorou, I., Patricio, M., Paulini, M., Pedro, H., Perry, E., Preece, J., Rosello, M., Russell, M., Sitnik, V., Staines, D. M., Stein, J., Tello-Ruiz, M. K., Trevanion, S. J., Urban, M., Wei, S., Ware, D., Williams, G., Yates, A. D., and Flicek, P., Ensembl Genomes 2020-enabling non-vertebrate genomic research., Nucleic acids research, 2019.
K. L. Howe, Contreras-Moreira, B., De Silva, N., Maslen, G., Akanni, W., Allen, J., Alvarez-Jarreta, J., Barba, M., Bolser, D. M., Cambell, L., Carbajo, M., Chakiachvili, M., Christensen, M., Cummins, C., Cuzick, A., Davis, P., Fexova, S., Gall, A., George, N., Gil, L., Gupta, P., Hammond-Kosack, K. E., Haskell, E., Hunt, S. E., Jaiswal, P., Janacek, S. H., Kersey, P. J., Langridge, N., Maheswari, U., Maurel, T., McDowall, M. D., Moore, B., Muffato, M., Naamati, G., Naithani, S., Olson, A., Papatheodorou, I., Patricio, M., Paulini, M., Pedro, H., Perry, E., Preece, J., Rosello, M., Russell, M., Sitnik, V., Staines, D. M., Stein, J., Tello-Ruiz, M. K., Trevanion, S. J., Urban, M., Wei, S., Ware, D., Williams, G., Yates, A. D., and Flicek, P., Ensembl Genomes 2020-enabling non-vertebrate genomic research., Nucleic acids research, 2019.
E. P. Hamerlynck, Roby, M. C., Scott, R. L., Barron-Gafford, G. A., and Moore, D. J. P., Environmental and Vegetative Controls on Soil CO2 Efflux in Three Semiarid Ecosystems, Soil Systems, 2019.
M. C. Roby, Environmental and Vegetative Controls on Soil CO2 Efflux in Three Semiarid Ecosystems, Soil Systems, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-19, 2019.
K. M. Reynolds, Hessburg, P. F., and Bourgeron, P. S., Eds., Environmental Science and EngineeringMaking Transparent Environmental Management Decisions. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
M. A. Christman, James, J. J., Drenovsky, R. E., and Richards, J. H., Environmental stress and genetics influence night-time leaf conductance in the C 4 grass Distichlis spicata, Functional Plant Biology, vol. 36, no. 1, p. 50, 2009.
S. A. Filichkin, Cumbie, J. S., Dharmawardhana, P., Jaiswal, P., Chang, J. H., Palusa, S. G., Reddy, A. S. N., Megraw, M., and Mockler, T. C., Environmental stresses modulate abundance and timing of alternatively spliced circadian transcripts in Arabidopsis., Molecular plant, vol. 8, pp. 207-27, 2015.
J. Selker and Rupp, D. E., An environmentally driven time-integrating water sampler, Water resources research, vol. 41, 2005.
J. A. Rose, EOARC, Annual Report: Changes in an Ungrazed Wyoming Big Sagebrush Plant Community Over Three Years of Different Rainfall, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
M. Mc Innis, Miller, R. F., Rose, J. A., and Svejcar, T., EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Growth, Plant Water Relations and Carbon Allocation of Heart-Podded Hoary Cress (Cardaria draba (L.) Desv.), Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
R. F. Miller and Rose, J. A., EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: The Historic Expansion of Western Juniper in Southeastern Oregon, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
R. F. Miller, Rose, J. A., and Svejcar, T., EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Vegetation Change in Response to 56 Years of Livestock Exclusion, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
H. A. Turner, Tibbs, T. M., Svejcar, T., Stamm, M. M., Slater, R. C., Sheehy, D. P., Rose, J. A., Paintner, K. J., Mc Innis, M., Horney, M. R., Ganskopp, D. C., Doescher, P. S., Bryant, L. D., Brandyberry, K. H., Blount, D. K., Barton, R. K., and Angell, R. F., EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Weather and Physical Data, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
J. A. Rose, Ganskopp, D. C., and Angell, R. F., EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Wolf Plants: How Finicky are Cattle About old Growth in Standing Forage?, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
P. S. Doescher, Miller, R. F., Purrington, T., and Rose, J. A., EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Wyoming Big Sagebrush: Coping with Drought, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
R. K. Barton, Brandyberry, K. H., Brandyberry, S. D., Delcurto, T., Paintner, K. J., and Rose, J. A., EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Year and Season Effects on Diet Quality of Beef Cattle Grazing Northern Great Basin Rangelands, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
T. Svejcar, Rose, J. A., Paintner, K. J., Eddleman, L. E., and Bates, J. D., EOARC, Annual Report: Western Juniper Woodland Program, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
R. F. Miller and Rose, J. A., EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: Fire History and Juniper Expansion in Southeastern Oregon, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
A. Stone, Treadwell, D., Formiga, A., McQueen, J., Wander, M., Riddle, J., Darby, H., and Heleba, D., eOrganic: the Organic Agriculture Community of Practice for eXtension, HortTechnology, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 583-588, 2012.
J. W. Lane, Najm, M. R. Abou, Ong, J., Stewart, R. D., Rupp, D. E., Selker, J., Allen, M., Buckley, S., Houle, A., and Quinn, D., ERIM (Electrical Resistivity Infiltrometer Monitoring): A non-invasive method for detection of preferential flow in soils, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
J. C. Lee, Price, B. E., Adams, C. G., Rutkowski, E., and Choi, M. - Y., Erythritol sprays reduce D. suzukii infestation without impacting honey bee visitation nor fruit qualityAbstractBackgroundResultsConclusion, Pest Management Science, 2023.
S. Christensen, Ransom, C. V., Sheley, R., Smith, B., and Whitesides, R., Establishing a Weed Prevention Area: A Step-by-Step User's Guide, Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center, pp. 1–40, 2011.
B. Randow and Hannaway, D. B., Estimating Oregon’s Forage Production Potential Using GIS-based Modeling and Mapping Techniques. 2014.
D. G. Hankin and Reeves, G. H., Estimating Total Fish Abundance and Total Habitat Area in Small Streams Based on Visual Estimation Methods, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 834 - 844, 1988.
G. Nelson and Rittenhouse, L. Ronald, Estimation of a performance function for evaluating range improvement investments, in Proceedings, Annual Meeting (Western Agricultural Economics Association), 1972.