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C. R. Breece and Sagili, R., Hands-on training emphasized in the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program, Journal of Extension [On-line], vol. 53, no. 3, 2015.
D. Brazelton and Strik, B. C., Perspective on the U.S. and global blueberry industry., J. Amer. Pom. Soc., vol. 61, pp. 144-146, 2007.
R. C. Braun, Patton, A. J., Kowalewski, A. R., and Braithwaite, E. T., Evaluation of low-input turfgrass patch and repair ingredients, ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. 2019.
R. C. Braun, Patton, A. J., Braithwaite, E. T., and Kowalewski, A. R., Establishment of Low-Input Turfgrass from Seed Using Patch and Repair Mixtures: Mulch and Starter Fertilizer Effects, Crop Science, 2020.
T. Jonas Brauchli, Bigler, N., Bahr, A., Weijs, S. Vincent, Higgins, C. W., and Huwald, H., A low-cost sensible heat flux sensor for potential use in wireless sensor networks and citizen observatories, in 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, 2014.
J. B. Brant, Sulzman, E. W., and Myrold, D. D., Microbial community utilization of added carbon substrates in response to long-term carbon input manipulation, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 2219 - 2232, 2006.
J. B. Brant, Myrold, D. D., and Sulzman, E. W., Root controls on soil microbial community structure in forest soils, Oecologia, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 650 - 659, 2006.
W. F. Brannon and Wheeler, R. R., 1955 Field Day Report: Beef cattle research at the Squaw Butte Station Livestock Field Day, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1955.
W. F. Brannon, Haag, J. R., Hubbert, F., Sawyer, W. A., and Schubert, J. R., The carotene content of stored meadow hay in the Northern Great Basin. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1956.
S. D. Brandyberry and Angell, R. F., Field Day Report. Special Report #935. Management of Great Basin Rangelands: Winter Grazing as a Grazing management Program for Northern Great Basin Rangelands, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1994.
S. D. Brandyberry, Barton, R. K., and Angell, R. F., OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Alfalfa Supplementation of Beef Cattle Grazing Winter Sagebrush-Steppe Range Forage, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
S. B. Brandt, Costantini, M., Kolesar, S., Ludsin, S. A., Mason, D. M., Rae, C. M., Zhang, H., and Kraft, C., Does hypoxia reduce habitat quality for Lake Erie walleye ( Sander vitreus )? A bioenergetics perspective, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 857 - 879, 2011.
F. M. Brandi-Dohrn, Hess, M., Selker, J., and Dick, R. P., Field evaluation of passive capillary samplers, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 60, pp. 1705–1713, 1996.
F. M. Brandi-Dohrn, Leibundgut, C., Dick, R. P., and Selker, J., Collecting tracers in the vadose zone. no. 229, 1995.
F. M. Brandi-Dohrn, Hess, M., Selker, J., Dick, R. P., Kauffman, S. M., and Hemphill, D. D., Nitrate leaching under a cereal rye cover crop, Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 26, pp. 181–188, 1997.
F. M. Brandi-Dohrn, Dick, R. P., Hess, M., and Selker, J., Suction cup sampler bias in leaching characterization of an undisturbed field soil, 1996.
A. P. Brandão and Cooke, R. F., Supplementing CA Salts of Soybean Oil to Late-Gestating Beef Cows: Impacts on Performance and Physiological Responses of the Offspring, vol. 4. Translational Animal Science, pp. S22-S26, 2020.
A. P. Brandao, Cooke, R. F., Schubach, K. M., and Rett, B., Supplementing Ca salts of Soybean Oil to Late-Gestating Beef Cows: Impacts on Performance and Physiological Responses of the Offspring, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 98, no. 8, pp. 1-12, 2020.
A. P. Brandão, Cooke, R. F., Schubach, K. M., Marques, R. S., Bohnert, D. W., Carvalho, R. S., Dias, N. W., Timlin, C. L., Clark-Deener, S., Currin, J. F., Jump, D. B., Pohler, K. G., Cerri, R. L. A., and Mercadante, V. R. G., Supplementing Ca salts of soybean oil after artificial insemination increases pregnancy success in Bos taurus beef cows., Journal of Animal Science, vol. 96, no. 7, pp. 2838-2850, 2018.
E. T. Braithwaite, McDonald, B. W., Stock, T., and Kowalewski, A. R., Effects of integrated pest management cultural practices: (Mowing, fertilization, and irrigation) on weed populations in turfgrass, New England Blade, pp. 20-22, 2019.
E. T. Braithwaite, McDonald, B. W., Stock, T., and Kowalewski, A. R., Effects of IPM on weeds, SportsTurf, vol. 35, pp. 16, 18-19, 2019.
E. T. Braithwaite, Kowalewski, A. R., and Stock, T. R., Effects of integrated pest management practices on weed populations in Pacific Northwest turfgrass, ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. 2019.
D. C. Brainard, Peachey, E., Haramoto, E., Luna, J., and Rangarajan, A., Weed ecology and management under strip-tillage: Implications for Northern U.S. vegetable cropping systems, Weed Technology, vol. 27, pp. 218-230, 2013.
M. M. Braga, Silva, E. S., Rico, E. P., Pettenuzzo, L. F., Oliveira, D. L., Dias, R. D., Rocha, ãoB. T., Calcagnotto, M. Elisa, Tanguay, R. L., Souza, D. O., and Rosemberg, D. B., Modulation of the chelatable Zn pool in the brain by diethyldithiocarbamate is associated with behavioral impairment in adult zebrafish, Toxicol. Res., vol. 41031521663391026262841283602279555322815886155101090691933551551116131118338885396054828337, no. 2, pp. 317 - 325, 2015.
L. K. Bradley, Bauske, E. M., Bewick, T. A., Clark, J. R., Durham, R. E., Langellotto, G., Meyer, M. H., Pooler, M. R., and Dorn, S., Developing a national strategic plan for consumer horticulture, HortTechnology, 2016.