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C. Brekken, Shoemaker, J. A., and Krub, K. R., Farmers' Guide to Wind Energy: Legal Issues in Farming the Wind, 2007.
M. Golpinath, Sheldon, I., and Echeverria, R., Firm heterogeneity and international trade: Implications for agricultural and food industries, IATRC Trade Policy Issues Paper, vol. 5, 2007.
K. R. Cadwallader, Drake, M. A., and McGorrin, R. J., Eds., Flavor of Dairy Products, vol. 971. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2007.
N. E. Detenbeck, Moffett, M. F., Pearson, M., Simon, T. P., and Albert, D. A., Flow and nutrient-based classification of Lake Michigan coastal riverine wetlands, in Coastal Wetlands of the Laurentian Great Lakes: Health, Habitat, and Indicators, Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse Press, 2007.
E. Thompson, Strik, B. C., Clark, J. R., and Finn, C. E., Flowering and fruiting patterns of primocane-fruiting blackberries., HortScience, vol. 42, pp. 1174-1176, 2007.
D. B. Hannaway, Japhet, K., Ciaffoni, C., Sohn, P., and Dinsmore, M., Forage ID CD-ROM, Oregon State Univ. Spec. Pub. 2007.
T. Ngo and Zhao, Y., Formation of Zinc-Chlorophyll-Derivative Complexes in Thermally Processed Green Pears (Pyrus communis L.), Journal of food science, vol. 72, pp. C397–C404, 2007.
A. P. Verbyla, Saint-Pierre, C., Peterson, C. J., Ross, A. S., and Appels, R., Fourier modelling, analysis and interpretation of high-resolution mixograph data, Journal of Cereal Science, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 11 - 21, 2007.
J. McIver and Ottmar, R. D., Fuel mass and stand structure after post-fire logging of a severely burned ponderosa pine forest in northeastern Oregon, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 238, no. 1-3, pp. 268 - 279, 2007.
A. Goyer, Collakova, E., Shachar-Hill, Y., and Hanson, A. D., Functional characterization of a methionine γ-lyase in Arabidopsis and its implication in an alternative to the reverse transsulfuration pathway, Plant and Cell Physiology, vol. 28, 2007.
G. Stephenson, Farmers’ Markets: Success, Failure and Management Ecology. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2008.
R. M. Cross and äre, R., Farrell efficiency under value and quantity data, Journal of Productivity Analysis, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 193 - 199, 2008.
V. Adams and M., G. D., Federal Land Management and County Government: 1908-2008 - A Report of the “Changing Federal County Payments Policy and Rural Oregon Counties: Impacts and Options” Project., Rural Studies Program Working Paper Series, 2008.
R. F. Miller and Heyerdahl, E. K., Fine-scale variation of historical fire regimes in sagebrush-steppe and juniper woodland: an example from California, USA, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 17, no. 2, p. 245, 2008.
G. Bobe, Weinstein, S. J., Albanes, D., Hirvonen, T., Ashby, J., Taylor, P. R., Virtamo, J., and Stolzenberg-Solomon, R. Z., Flavonoid intake and risk of pancreatic cancer in male smokers (Finland), Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers, vol. 17, pp. 553–562, 2008.
E. Thompson, Strik, B. C., Clark, J. R., and Finn, C. E., Flowering and fruiting morphology of primocane-fruiting blackberries, Acta Hort., vol. 777, pp. 281-288, 2008.
T. Kunimune and Shellhammer, T., Foam-stabilizing effects and cling formation patterns of iso-alpha-acids and reduced iso-alpha-acids in lager beer., J Agric Food Chem, vol. 56, no. 18, pp. 8629-34, 2008.
E. Castle, Weber, B., and Wu, J. J., Frontiers in Resource and Rural Economics, Frontiers in Resource and Rural Economics: Human-nature, Rural-urban Interdependencies, p. 192, 2008.