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P. S. Doescher, Reynolds, M., and Svejcar, T., Seed Development of Perennial Pepperweed Plants Growing in Flood Meadows, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
R. E. Drenovsky, Thornhill, M. L., Knestrick, M. A., Dlugos, D. M., Svejcar, T., and James, J. J., Seed Production and Seedling Fitness Are Uncoupled from Maternal Plant Productivity in Three Aridland Bunchgrasses, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 161 - 168, 2016.
Z. T. Aanderud, Richards, J. H., Svejcar, T., and James, J. J., A Shift in Seasonal Rainfall Reduces Soil Organic Carbon Storage in a Cold Desert, Ecosystems, vol. 13401469644372313506352306440513778892891056583141103513772989431419420451298886242396538448, no. 5, pp. 673 - 682, 2010.
R. R. Blank, Svejcar, T., and Riegel, G. M., Soil Attributes in a Sierra Nevada Riparian Meadow as Influenced by Grazing, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 321 - 329, 2006.
R. R. Blank, Svejcar, T., and Riegel, G. M., SOIL GENESIS AND MORPHOLOGY OF A MONTANE MEADOW IN THE NORTHERN SIERRA NEVADA RANGE, Soil Science, vol. 160, no. 2, pp. 136 - 152, 1995.
T. Svejcar, Angell, R. F., and James, J. J., Spatial and temporal variability in minimum temperature trends in the western U.S. sagebrush steppe, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 133, pp. 125 - 133, 2016.
T. Svejcar and Riegel, G. M., Spatial pattern of gas exchange for montane moist meadow species, Journal of Vegetation Science, vol. 953160153056398664237489, no. 1, pp. 85 - 94, 1998.
G. Sheeter and Svejcar, T., Streamside vegetation regrowth after clipping, Rangelands, vol. 19, p. 31, 1997.
K. J. Reever Morghan, Sheley, R., and Svejcar, T., Successful Adaptive Management—The Integration of Research and Management, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 216 - 219, 2006.
R. Sheley, Svejcar, T., Maxwell, B. D., and Jacobs, J. S., Successional rangeland weed management, Rangelands, pp. 155–159, 1996.