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G. H. Clough, Rondon, S. I., DeBano, S. J., David, N., and Hamm, P. B., Reducing potato tuberworm damage with cultural practices, Washington State Potato Commission. Washington State Potato Commission, Moses Lake, Washington, pp. 7-13, 2007.
B. R. Evans, Karchner, S. I., Allan, L. L., Pollenz, R. S., Tanguay, R. L., Jenny, M. J., Sherr, D. H., and Hahn, M. E., Repression of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AHR) Signaling by AHR Repressor: Role of DNA Binding and Competition for AHR Nuclear Translocator, Molecular Pharmacology, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 387 - 398, 2007.
L. P-P, TA, M., N, F., KD, K., H, N., and JC, C., Repression of AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR10 by microRNA160 is critical for seed germination and post-germination stages, The Plant Journal, vol. 52, pp. 133-146, 2007.
S. I. Rondon, DeBano, S. J., Clough, G. H., Hamm, P. B., Jensen, A. S., Schreiber, A., Alvarez, J. M., Horton, M. T., Barbour, J. D., and Dogramaci, M., Review of the biology and management of the potato tuberworm, Potato Progress (Newsletter), vol. 7, 2007.
S. I. Rondon, DeBano, S. J., Clough, G. H., Hamm, P. B., Jensen, A. S., Schreiber, A., Alvarez, J. M., Horton, M. T., Barbour, J. D., and Dogramaci, M., Review of the biology and management of the potato tuberworm, Potato Progress (Newsletter), vol. 7, 2007.
F. B. Pierson, Bates, J. D., Svejcar, T., and Hardegree, S. P., Runoff and erosion after cutting western juniper, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 60, pp. 285–292, 2007.
B. KJ and H, N., Seed Development, Dormancy and Germination. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Plant Science, 2007.
M. RC, P-P, L., and H, N., Seed microRNA research, in Seed Biology, Development and Ecology, S. Adkins, Ashmore, S., and Navie, S., Eds. Wallingford: CAB International, 2007, pp. 354-364.
L. P-P, RC, M., ,, N, K., T, H., and H, N., A Seed-GUS-Expression enhancer-trap library for germination research, in Seed Biology, Development and Ecology, S. Adkins, Ashmore, S., and Navie, S., Eds. Wallingford: CAB International, 2007, pp. 159-168.
N. R. Harris, Johnson, D. E., McDougald, N. K., and George, M. R., Social Associations and Dominance of Individuals in Small Herds of Cattle, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 339 - 349, 2007.
J. Davis, Higginbotham, A., O'Connor, T., Moustaid-Moussa, N., Tebbe, A., Kim, Y. - C., Cho, K. Won, Shay, N., Adler, S., Peterson, R., and Banz, W., Soy protein and isoflavones influence adiposity and development of metabolic syndrome in the obese male ZDF rat., Ann Nutr Metab, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 42-52, 2007.
M. - T. Pino, Skinner, J. S., Park, E. - J., Jeknić, Z., Hayes, P. M., Thomashow, M. F., and Chen, T. H. H., Use of a stress inducible promoter to drive ectopic AtCBF expression improves potato freezing tolerance while minimizing negative effects on tuber yield., Plant Biotechnol J, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 591-604, 2007.
P. Szucs, Skinner, J. S., Karsai, I., Cuesta-Marcos, A., Haggard, K. G., Corey, A. E., Chen, T. H. H., and Hayes, P. M., Validation of the VRN-H2/VRN-H1 epistatic model in barley reveals that intron length variation in VRN-H1 may account for a continuum of vernalization sensitivity., Mol Genet Genomics, vol. 277, no. 3, pp. 249-61, 2007.
P. Szucs, Skinner, J. S., Karsai, I., Cuesta-Marcos, A., Haggard, K. G., Corey, A. E., Chen, T. H. H., and Hayes, P. M., Validation of the VRN-H2/VRN-H1 epistatic model in barley reveals that intron length variation in VRN-H1 may account for a continuum of vernalization sensitivity., Mol Genet Genomics, vol. 277, no. 3, pp. 249-61, 2007.
S. I. Rondon and Hamm, P. B., Weekly insect survey: potato tuberworm and beet leafhopper, Potato Progress (Newsletter), vol. 7, 2007.
J. C. Miller, Janzen, D. H., and Hallwaches, W., 100 Caterpillars Portraits From the Rainforests of Costa Rica. Harvard University Press, 2006.
B. C. Strik and Hummer, K., Ananasnaya’ hardy kiwifruit, J. Amer. Pom. Soc., vol. 60, pp. 106-112, 2006.
B. C. Strik and Hummer, K., ‘Ananasnaya’ hardy kiwifruit, J. Amer. Pom. Soc., vol. 60, pp. 106-112, 2006.
E. A. Andreasen, Mathew, L. K., öhr, C. V., Hasson, R., and Tanguay, R. L., Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Activation Impairs Extracellular Matrix Remodeling during Zebra Fish fin Regeneration, Toxicological Sciences, vol. 95, no. 1, pp. 215 - 226, 2006.
S. I. Rondon, DeBano, S. J., Clough, G. H., Jensen, A., and Hamm, P. B., Biología y manejo de la polilla de la papa en el noroeste de los Estados Unidos, Washington State Potato Conference. Washington State Potato Conference, Moses Lake, Washington, pp. 139-141, 2006.
S. Harper and Reiber, C. L., Cardiac development in crayfish: ontogeny of cardiac physiology and aerobic metabolism in the red swamp crayfish Procambarus Clarkii, Journal of Comparative Physiology B, vol. 176, pp. 405–414, 2006.
C. Benedict, Skinner, J. S., Meng, R., Chang, Y., Bhalerao, R., Huner, N. P. A., Finn, C. E., Chen, T. H. H., and Hurry, V., The CBF1-dependent low temperature signalling pathway, regulon and increase in freeze tolerance are conserved in Populus spp., Plant Cell Environ, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 1259-72, 2006.
C. Benedict, Skinner, J. S., Meng, R., Chang, Y., Bhalerao, R., Huner, N. P. A., Finn, C. E., Chen, T. H. H., and Hurry, V., The CBF1-dependent low temperature signalling pathway, regulon and increase in freeze tolerance are conserved in Populus spp., Plant Cell Environ, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 1259-72, 2006.
L. G. Deluc, Barrieu, F., Marchive, C., Decendit, A., Carde, J. - P., Mérillon, J. - M., and Hamdi, S., Characterization of a Grapevine R2R3-MYB Transcription Factor That Regulates the Phenylpropanoid Pathway, PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, vol. 140, no. 2, pp. 499 - 511, 2006.
M. T. Pino, Skinner, J. S., Jeknic, Z., Park, E. J., Hayes, P. M., and Chen, T. H. H., Cold hardiness in plants: molecular genetics, cell biology and physiology. Seventh International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar, Sapporo, Japan, 10-15 July 2004Ectopic overexpression of AtCBF1 in potato enhances freezing tolerance. Wallingford: CABI, 2006, pp. 103 - 123.