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R. J. Kartchner, Raleigh, R. J., and Rittenhouse, L. Ronald, 1975 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition: Comparative Range Forage Intake of Spring and Fall, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1975.
R. J. Kartchner, Raleigh, R. J., and Rittenhouse, L. Ronald, 1975 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition: Comparative Range Forage Intake of Spring and Fall, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1975.
R. J. Kartchner, Rittenhouse, L. Ronald, and Raleigh, R. J., comparison of methods for measuring forage intake, in Proc West Sect Am Soc Anim Sci, 1975.
R. J. Kartchner, Rittenhouse, L. Ronald, and Raleigh, R. J., comparison of methods for measuring forage intake, in Proc West Sect Am Soc Anim Sci, 1975.
W. P. Handl and Rittenhouse, L. Ronald, A Comparison of Three Methods of Estimating Digestibility for Determining Intake of Grazing Cattle, Journal of Range Management, vol. 28, no. 5, p. 414, 1975.
H. F. Mayland, Florence, A. R., Rosenau, R. C., Lazar, V. A., and Turner, H. A., Soil Ingestion by Cattle on Semiarid Range as Reflected by Titanium Analysis of Feces, Journal of Range Management, vol. 28, no. 6, p. 448, 1975.
F. A. Sneva, Hunter, V. E., and Rittenhouse, L. Ronald, Summer grazing performance of cattle as influenced by water stress & trailing, in Proc West Sect Am Soc Anim Sci, 1975.
R. L. Phillips, Raleigh, R. J., and Vavra, M., Wintering Cattle on Grass Straw, Pacific N. W. Nutrition Conference. 1975.
L. J. Foster, Raleigh, R. J., and Turner, H. A., 1973 Progress Report--Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: A Comparison of Long VS Chopped Alfalfa or Meadow Hay for Wintering Weaner Calves, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1973.
L. J. Foster and Raleigh, R. J., 1973 Progress Report--Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: Nitrogen and Energy relationships in wintering steer calves, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1973.
L. J. Foster and Raleigh, R. J., 1973 Progress Report--Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: Profit from a Short Breeding Season, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1973.
M. Vavra, Rice, R. W., and Bement, R. E., Chemical Composition of the Diet, Intake and Gain of Yearling Cattle on Different Grazing Intensities, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 411 - 414, 1973.
L. J. Foster and Raleigh, R. J., Creep feeding of fall-born calves, Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, vol. 24. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1973.
L. J. Foster and Raleigh, R. J., The effect on cows of creep feeding fall-born calves, in Proc West Sect Am Soc Anim Sci, 1973.
L. Ronald Rittenhouse and Sneva, F. A., The influence of selected climatological parameters on water intake of cattle, Water–Animal Relations. Water–Animal Relations Committee, Kimberly, Idaho, pp. 55–62, 1973.
F. A. Sneva, Raleigh, R. J., and Turner, H. A., Paraquat-Cured Herbage for Late Season Grazing, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 107 - 113, 1973.
M. J. Wright and Raleigh, R. J., Range Research and Range Problems: Range Forage and Animal Nutrition, 125th ed. Crop Science Society of America, 1973.
F. A. Sneva, Rittenhouse, L. Ronald, and Foster, L. J., Stock water restriction and trailing effects on animal gain, water drunk, and mineral consumption, in Water-Animal Relations Symp. Proc. 1, 1973.