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“Stockwater restriction and trailing effects on animal gain, water drunk, and mineral consumption”. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1973.
, “1972 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: Creep Feeding Fall-Born Calves”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1972.
, “1972 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: Ralgro and Stilbestrol Implants for Beef Cattle”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1972.
, “1972 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: The Effect of Winter Gains on Summer Performance”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1972.
, “1972 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: The Values of Quality Hay for Weaner Calves”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1972.
, “Estimation of a performance function for evaluating range improvement investments”, in Proceedings, Annual Meeting (Western Agricultural Economics Association), 1972.
, “Herbage yield and intake of grazing steers”, in Proc West Sect Am Soc Anim Sci, 1972.
, “Reproductive performance of the beef cow: Nutrition effects”, in Proc West Sect Am Soc Anim Sci, 1972.
, “Yield and N Accumulation of Meadow Forage Fertilized at Advancing Maturity with N”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 64, no. 2, p. 187, 1972.
, “1971 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: Daily Vs Alternate Feeding of Range Supplements”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1971.
, “1971 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: Energy Level and Nitrogen Source for Fall Calving Cows”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1971.
, “1971 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: Fall Calf Production”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1971.
, “1971 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: Management of Cattle Grazing Native Flood-Meadows”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1971.
, “1970 Progress Report-Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1970.
, “Accumulation and Loss of Nitrogen during Growth and Maturation of Cereal Rye (Secale cereale)1”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 62, no. 3, p. 311, 1970.
, “Energy level and N source for fall-calving cows”, Proc. West. See. Amer. Soc. Anita. Sci, vol. 21, p. 75, 1970.
, “Fall calving yields a bumper crop of benefits”, Oregon's Agricultural Progress, no. 16. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1970.
, “Production of fall-born vs spring-born calves”, in Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anita. Sci, 1970.
, “Symposium on Pasture Methods for Maximum Production in Beef Cattle: Manipulation of Both Livestock and Forage Management to Give Optimum Production”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 108 - 114, 1970.
, “1969 Progress Report-Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1969.
, “Biuret and urea for growing cattle”, J. Anim. Sci, vol. 28, p. 868, 1969.
, “1968 Progress Report--Research in beef cattle nutrition and management”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1968.
, “Biuret and urea in range cattle supplements”, in Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci, 1968.
, “Chemical curing range forage for fall grazing”, Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, vol. 19. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1968.
, “1967 Progress Report--Research in beef cattle nutrition and management”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1967.