Welcome to Botany and Plant Pathology!
The information below has been compiled just for you! If you have any questions, please contact us and one of the GSA officers will get back to you ASAP.
BPP Graduate Student Handbook
The BPP Grad Handbook is an extremely helpful resource that can answer many of your questions. Please spend some time looking through the handbook and feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.
Register for Fall Classes Early!
To begin the process of registering for classes for your first term, please contact your major advisor in advance of your arrival to OSU. If you are a rotation student, please contact the major advisor of your first quarter rotation. A few BPP classes, such as Mycology (BOT590) and Forest Insect and Disease (BOT515), fill up quickly. If you know you need to take one of these classes your first term, you should go ahead and register for them as soon as possible. If you are new to OSU, your OSU ID and GAP can log you into to register for your classes at this website. If you are a returning student, you can use your ONID username and password to login to the same site. You should receive an ONID username as soon as you return your appointment letter.
Looking for housing?
Contact us for links to housing groups and to see if we know of any friends with rooms available.
Need a bicycle?
Corvallis is an extremely bicycle friendly town and many of the current graduate students are avid cyclists. There are six bike shops in Corvallis. If you would like help finding a bike, please contact Christina or Joey. Also, below are some links for where to find a bike in Corvallis.
Need Funding?
Several current BPP grads are recipients of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and they would be happy to discuss the application process.
Funding sources available specifically for BPP graduate students.
Coming to Corvallis before Fall term?
Don't be shy, many of the graduate students in BPP are here over the summer and we get together frequently. Contact us if you are in town and would like to meet some other grads!