Journal and Book Publications
Barss, H. P. 1930. Eastern filbert blight. Calif. Agric. Dept. Bull. 19:489-490.
Bhattarai, G., Mehlenbacher, S.A. and Smith, D.C., 2017. Eastern filbert blight disease resistance from Corylus americana ‘Rush’and selection ‘Yoder# 5’maps to linkage group 7. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 13:45. DOI 10.1007/s11295-017-1129-9
Bhattarai, G., Mehlenbacher, S.A. and Smith, D.C., 2017. Inheritance and linkage mapping of eastern filbert blight disease resistance in ‘Uebov’hazelnut. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 142:289-297.
Cameron, H. R. 1976. Eastern filbert blight established in the Pacific Northwest. Plant Dis. Rep. 60:737-740.
Chen, H., S.A. Mehlenbacher and D.C. Smith. 2005. AFLP markers linked to eastern filbert blight resistance from OSU 408.040 hazelnut. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 130:412-417.
Coyne, C.J., Mehlenbacher, S.A., Hampton, R.O., Pinkerton, J.N., and Johnson, K.B. 1996. Use of ELISA to rapidly screen hazelnut for resistance to eastern filbert blight. Plant Dis. 80:1327-1330.
Coyne, C.J., Mehlenbacher, S.A., Johnson, K.B, Pinkerton, J.N. and Smith, D.C. 2000. Comparison of two methods to evaluate quantitative resistance to eastern filbert blight in European hazelnut selections. J. Amer. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 125:603-608.
Coyne, C. J., Mehlenbacher, S. A., and Smith, D. C. 1998. Sources of resistance to eastern filbert blight in hazelnut. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science. 123:253-2547.
Davidson, A. D. and Davidson, R. M. 1973. Apioporthe and Monochaetia canker reported in Western Washington. Plant Dis. Rep. 57:522-523.
Davis, J. W. and Mehlenbacher, S. A. 1995. Identification of a RAPD marker linked to eastern filbert blight resistance in hazelnut. (Abstr.) HortScience 30:833.
De Silva, H., Castlebury, L.A., Green, S., Stone, J.K. 2009. Characterisation and phylogenetic relationships of Anisogramma virgultorum and A. anomala in the Diaporthales (Ascomycota). Mycological Research 113:73-81.
Fuller, A. S. 1910. Filbert or hazelnut. Pages 118-146 in: The Nut Culturist. Orange Judd, New York.
Gottwald, T. R., and Cameron, H. R. 1979. Studies on morphology and life history of Anisogramma anomala. Mycologia 71:1107-1126.
Gottwald, T. R., and Cameron, H. R. 1980. Disease increase and dynamics of spread of canker caused by Anisogramma anomala in European filbert in the Pacific Northwest. Phytopathology 70:1087-1092.
Gottwald, T. R., and Cameron, H. R. 1980. Infection site, infection period, and latent period of canker caused by Anisogramma anomala in European filbert. Phytopathology 70:1083-1087.
Halsted, B.D. 1892. A serious filbert disease. New Jersey Agr. Exp. Sta. Rept. 13:287-289.
Heckert, S., Pscheidt, J. W., and Cluskey, S. A. 2016. Evaluation of Chipped Cankers for Management of Eastern Filbert Blight. Plant Health Prog. doi:10.1094/PHP-RS-16-0037.
Heckert, S., Pscheidt, J.W., and Cluskey, S.A. 2014. Disease incidence and ascospore dispersal from cut hazelnut branches colonized by Anisogramma anomala. Plant Disease 98:834-838.
Heckert, S., Pscheidt, J.W., and Stone, J.K. 2013. A quick and simple method to evaluate Anisogramma anomala Ascospore Viability. Online. Plant Health Progress. doi:10.1094/PHP-2013-0509-09-RS.
Honig, J.A., Muehlbauer, M.F., Capik, J.M., Kubik, C., Vaiciunas, J.N., Mehlenbacher, S.A. and Molnar, T.J., 2019. Identification and mapping of eastern filbert blight resistance quantitative trait loci in European hazelnut using double digestion restriction site associated DNA sequencing. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 144:295-304.
Johnson, K.B. and Pinkerton, J.N. 2002. Eastern Filbert Blight. in Teviotdale, B. L., Michailides, T. J. and Pscheidt, J. W. editors. 2002. Compendium of Nut Crop Diseases in Temperate Zones. APS Press, St. Paul, MN. 89pp.
Johnson, K.B., Pinkerton, J.N., Gaudreault, S.M., and Stone, J.K. 1994. Infection of European hazelnut by Anisogramma anomala: Site of infection and effect of host developmental stage. Phytopathology 84:1465-1470.
Johnson, K.B., Pinkerton, J.N., Mehlenbacher, S.A., Stone, J.K, and Pscheidt, J.W. 1996. Eastern filbert blight of European Hazelnut: It's becoming a manageable disease. (feature) Plant Dis. 80:1308-1316.
Johnson, K.B., Pscheidt, J.W., and Pinkerton, J.N. 1993. Evaluation of chlorothalonil, fenarimol, and flusilazole for control of eastern filbert blight. Plant Dis. 77:831-837.
Johnson, K.B., Pscheidt, J.W., Theiling, K.M., and Pinkerton, J.N. 1991. Systemic fungicides for control of eastern filbert blight, 1990. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 46:96.
Johnson, K.B., Stone, J., Theiling, K.M., and Pscheidt, J.W. 1990. Effects of fungicides on Anisogramma anomala in vitro, 1989. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 45:84-85.
Johnson, K.B., Theiling, K.M., Stone, J.K., and Pscheidt, J.W. 1991. Inhibition of Anisogramma anomala in vitro, 1990. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 46:97-98.
Koma, G.K., Şekerli, M., Snelling, J.W. and Mehlenbacher, S.A., 2021. New sources of eastern filbert blight resistance and simple sequence repeat markers on Linkage Group 6 in hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 12:684122
Kosztarab, M., Roane, M.K., and Drake, C.R. 1980. Reduction of eastern filbert blight on Corylus avellana. (abstract) Phytopathology. 70:690.
Lunde, C.F., Mehlenbacher, S.A. and Smith, D.C. 2000. Survey of hazelnut cultivars for response to eastern filbert blight inoculation. HortScience 35:729-731.
Lunde, C.F., S.A. Mehlenbacher and D.C. Smith. 2006. Segregation for resistance to eastern filbert blight in progeny of 'Zimmerman' hazelnut. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 131:731-737.
Mehlenbacher, S.A., R.N. Brown, J.W. Davis., H. Chen, N.V. Bassil, D.C. Smith, and T.L. Kubisiak. 2004. RAPD markers linked to eastern filbert blight resistance in Corylus avellana. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108:651-656.
Mehlenbacher, S. M., Thompson, M.M. and Cameron, H.R. 1991. Occurrence and inheritance of resistance to eastern filbert blight in Gasaway hazelnut. HortScience 26:410-411.
Mehlenbacher, S.A., Pinkerton, J.N., Johnson, K.B., and Pscheidt, J.W. 1993. Eastern Filbert Blight in Oregon. 3rd Intl. Congress on Hazelnut. Acta Hort. 351:551-557.
Mehlenbacher, S.M. and Thompson, M.M. 1991. Four hazelnut pollenizers resistant to eastern filbert blight. HortScience 26:442-443.
Molnar, T. J., Capik, J., Zhao, S. and Zhang, N. 2010. First Report of Eastern Filbert Blight on Corylus avellana 'Gasaway' and 'VR20-11' Caused by Anisogramma anomala in New Jersey. Plant Disease 94:1265.
Molnar, T.J., Goffreda, J.C. and Funk, C.R., 2010. Survey of Corylus resistance to Anisogramma anomala from different geographic locations. HortScience, 45:832-836.
Molnar, T.J., Lombardoni, J.J., Muehlbauer, M.F., Honig, J.A., Mehlenbacher, S.A. and Capik, J.M., 2017, August. Progress breeding for resistance to eastern filbert blight in the eastern United States. In IX International Congress on Hazelnut 1226:79-86.
Molnar, T.J., Mehlenbacher, S.A., Engel, P. and Capik, J.M., 2019. Multiple sources of eastern filbert blight resistance provide breeding utility in New Jersey. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 73:178-192.
Muehlbauer, M.F., Honig, J.A., Capik, J.M., Vaiciunas, J.N. and Molnar, T.J., 2014. Characterization of eastern filbert blight-resistant hazelnut germplasm using microsatellite markers. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 139:399-432.
Muehlbauer, M., Capik, J.M., Molnar, T.J. and Mehlenbacher, S.A., 2018. Assessment of the ‘Gasaway’source of resistance to eastern filbert blight in New Jersey. Scientia Horticulturae, 235:367-372.
O’Dell, T.E., 2019. Flowering and yield of eastern filbert blight resistant hazelnut cultivars in southwestern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 99:480-487.
Osterbauer, N.K., Johnson, K.B., Mehlenbacher, S.A., and Sawyer, T.L. 1997. Analysis of resistance to eastern filbert blight in Corylus avellana. Plant Dis. 81:388-394.
Pinkerton, J.N, Johnson, K.B., Mehlenbacher. S.A., and Pscheidt, J.W. 1993. Susceptibility of common hazelnut cultivars to eastern filbert blight. Plant Dis.77:261-266.
Pinkerton, J.N, Johnson, K.B., Theiling, K.M., and Griesbach, J.A. 1992. Distribution and characteristics of the eastern filbert blight epidemic in western Oregon. Plant Dis.76:1179-1182.
Pinkerton, J.N., Johnson, K.B., and Stone, J.K. 1998. Maturation and seasonal discharge pattern of ascospores of Anisogramma anomala. Phytopathology 88: 1165-1173.
Pinkerton, J.N., Johnson, K.B., Stone, J.K., and Ivors, K.L. 1998. Factors affecting release of ascospores of Anisogramma anomala. Phytopathology 88:122-128.
Pinkerton, J.N., Stone, J.K., Nelson, S.J., and Johnson, K.B. 1995. Infection of European hazelnut by Anisogramma anomala: Ascospore adhesion, mode of penetration, and host response. Phytopathology 85:1260-1268.
Pscheidt, J. W. 2006. Geocaching used for eastern filbert blight education. 2005 Pacific Division Meeting Abstracts. Phytopathology 96:S170.
Pscheidt, J. W. and Cluskey, S. 2001. Fungicide Control of Eastern Filbert Blight. Acta Horticulturae 556:411-417.
Pscheidt, J. W. , Grimaldi, P. and Penhallegon, R. 2006. The eastern filbert blight epidemic in the Pacific Northwest : Survey versus biology. 2006 APS Annual Meeting Abstracts. Phytopathology 96:S95.
Pscheidt, J.W., Heckert, S. and Cluskey, S.A. 2017. Evaluation of Quinone Outside and Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors for Effectiveness Against Eastern Filbert Blight of Hazelnut. Plant Disease 101:1868-1873.
Pscheidt, J. W., Bassinette, J. P., Heckert, S., and Cluskey, S. A. 2018. Hazelnut yield protection using fungicides against eastern filbert blight. Plant Health Prog. 19:254-257.
Pscheidt, J. W., Heckert, S. and Cluskey, S. A. 2018. Tank Mixing Fungicides for Effectiveness Against Eastern Filbert Blight of Hazelnut. Plant Disease, 102:919-924.
Pscheidt, J. W., Heckert, S., and Cluskey, S. A. 2022. Response of resistant hazelnut cultivars to eastern filbert blight in the Pacific Northwest. Plant Health Prog.
Pscheidt, J.W., Johnson, K.B., and Cameron, H.R. 1990. Comparison of fungicides for control of eastern filbert blight, 1989 season. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 45:86.
Sathuvalli, V., Mehlenbacher, S.A. and Smith, D.C., 2017. High‐Resolution Genetic and Physical Mapping of the Eastern Filbert Blight Resistance Region in ‘Jefferson’Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.). The plant genome, doi: 10.3835/plantgenome2016.12.0123
Şekerli, M., Koma, G.K., Snelling, J.W. and Mehlenbacher, S.A., 2021. New Simple Sequence Repeat Markers on Linkage Groups 2 and 7, and Investigation of New Sources of Eastern Filbert Blight Resistance in Hazelnut. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 146:252-266.
Slate, G.L. 1930. Filberts. New York State (Geneva) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 588. 32pp.
Stone, J.K., Johnson, K.B., Pinkerton, J.N., Pscheidt, J.W. 1992. Natural infection period and susceptibility of vegetative seedlings of European hazelnut to Anisogramma anomala. Plant Dis. 76:348-352.
Stone, J.K., Pinkerton, J.N., and Johnson, K.B. 1994. Axenic culture of Anisogramma anomala: Evidence for self inhibition of ascospore germination and colony growth. Mycologia 86:674-683.
Tobia, J., Muehlbauer, M., Honig, J., Pscheidt, J. W., Hillman, B. and Molnar, T. 2024. Genetic Diversity Analysis of Anisogramma anomala in the Pacific Northwest and New Jersey. Plant Disease.
Barss, H. P. 1921. The eastern filbert blight menace. Proc. Western Nut Growers Assoc. 4:31-33.
Cameron, H. R. and Gottwald, T. R. 1977. Eastern filbert blight progress report. Proc. Nut Growers Soc. of OR, WA & BC 62:41-46.
Cameron, H. R. and Gottwald, T. R. 1978. Progress report on Eastern filbert blight. Proc. Nut Growers Soc. of OR, WA & BC 63:522-523.
Johnson, K.B. 1990. Fungicide screening, pruning practices, and management practices for eastern filbert blight. Proc. Nut Growers Soc. of OR, WA & BC 75:36-38.
Johnson, K.B. 1994. Determining the benefits of chemical and cultural controls for eastern filbert blight. Proc. Nut Growers Soc. of OR, WA & BC 79:97-104.
Johnson, K.B. and Pscheidt, J.W. 1993. Development of a control program for eastern filbert blight. Proc. Nut Growers Soc. of OR, WA & BC 78:84-87.
Johnson, K.B., Pinkerton, J.N., and Pscheidt, 1989. Filbert blight management studies initiated in 1988. Proc. Nut Growers Soc. of OR, WA & BC 74:32-35.
Johnson, K.B., Pinkerton, J.N., and Pscheidt, J.W. 1992. What we know about eastern filbert blight. Proc. Nut Growers Soc. of OR, WA & BC 77:33-38.
Lagerstedt, H.B. 1979. A review of observations and research on eastern filbert blight in the Pacific Northwest. Ann. Rpt. No. Nut Growers Assoc. 70:22-30.
Lunde, C. 1999. Eastern Filbert Blight: New sources of genetic resistance. Proc. Nut Growers Soc. of OR, WA BC 84:24.
Pinkerton, J.N. 1999. Eastern Filbert Blight: Spore dispersal and spread. Proc. Nut Growers Soc. of OR, WA & BC 84:33-39.
Pscheidt, J. W. 1995. Will hazelnuts go extinct in Oregon again? Proceedings of the Nut Growers Society of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. 80:70-77.
Pscheidt, J. W. 1996. Contorted Filberts: A Threat to Oregon's Hazelnut Industry! Digger 40(4):13.
Pscheidt, J. W. 1999. Eastern Filbert Blight: Integrated management. Proc. Nut Growers Soc. of OR, WA & BC 84:40-42.
Pscheidt, J. W. 1999. Eastern Filbert Blight: Fungicides for control. Proc. Nut Growers Soc. of OR, WA & BC 84:47-56.
Pscheidt, J. W. 2014. Jefferson meets EFB in Oregon. Proceedings of the Nut Growers Society of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. 99:75-78.
Pscheidt, J. W. 2015. Managing EFB in Mature Orchards. Proceedings of the Nut Growers Society of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. 100:43-52.
Pscheidt, J. W. 2021. EFB in Mature Orchards. Proceedings of the Nut Growers Society of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. 106:99.
Pscheidt, J. W. 2022. EFB Fungicide Trial Results. Proceedings of the Nut Growers Society of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. 107:62-63.
Pscheidt, J. W. and Cluskey, S. 1996. Eastern filbert blight management survey. Proceedings of the Nut Growers Society of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. 81:53-60.
Pscheidt, J. W., Grimaldi, P, and Penhallegon, R. 2008. The Eastern Filbert Blight Epidemic in the Pacific Northwest: Survey vs. Biology. Proceedings of the Nut Growers Society of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. 93:38-50.
Extension Publications
Pscheidt, J.W., Stoven, H., Thompson, A., Edmunds, B., Wiman, N. and Hilton, R. March 2020. Managing diseases and insects in home orchards. Oregon State University Extension Service. EC 631.
Pscheidt, J.W. 1989. Detection and Control of Eastern Filbert Blight. Oregon State University Extension Service. EC 1287.
Pscheidt, J.W. 2013. Eastern Filbert Blight Help Page. Oregon State University Extension Service.
Wiman, N., Pscheidt, J.W., and Moretti, M. 2023. Hazelnut Pest Management Guide for the Willamette Valley. Oregon State Extension Service. EM 8328. (Revised each year since 1989).
Student Thesis
Chen, H. (M.S., 2003) "New sources and linked AFLP markers for eastern filbert blight resistance in hazelnut"
Coyne, C. J. 1995. Genetic resistance to eastern filbert blight. Ph. D. Thesis, Dept. of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 105 pp.
Heckert, S. 2011. Ascospore Viability and Dispersal from Pruned Branches Infected with Anisogramma anomala. M.Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 75 pp.
Lightfoot, R.T. 1985. Studies on the germination and growth of Anisogramma anomala Peck (Muller) in vitro. M.Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 55 pp.
Lunde, C. F. 1999. Investigation of novel sources of genetic resistance to eastern filbert blight. M.S. Thesis, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR. 88 pp.
Osterbauer, N.K. 1996. Genetic variability in the eastern filbert blight pathosystem. Ph. D. Thesis, Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 122 pp.
Postman, J.D. 1986. Studies on canker in European filbert caused by Anisogramma anomala. M.Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, 77 pp.
Sekerli, M., 2019. Microsatellite Marker Development, Characterization, and Mapping and Investigation of New Sources of Resistance to Eastern Filbert Blight (EFB) in European Hazelnut (Corylus avellana). M.Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.