Mathematics/ Statistics
2 classes; 7 credits
Applied Differential Equations / MTH 256 / 4 credits
AND one of the following:
Models and Methods of Applied Mathematics / MTH 420 / 3 credits
Introduction to Mathematical Biology / MTH 427 / 3 credits, OR Design and Analysis of Planned Experiments / ST 415 / 3 credits
General Ecology
1 class; 3 credits
Ecology / BI 370 / 3 credits
Genome Biology
1 class; 3 credits
Intro to Genome Biology / BDS 474 / 3 credits
Biological Data Sciences
1 class; 4 credits
Foundations of BDS / BDS 310 / 4 credits
OR Introduction to Computer Science / CS 161 OR CS 162 / 4 credits
Population, Community, and Ecosystem Ecology
Choose 4 classes; 12-15 credits
Pop. Genomics / BDS 477 / 3 credits & 3 classes
AND at least one of the following:
Marine Ecology / BI 351 / 3 credits
Symbioses and the Environment / BI 358 / 3 credits
Biogeography / BI 481 / 3 credits
Disease Ecology / BI 495 / 3 credits
Plant Ecology / BOT 341 / 4 credits
Forest Pathology / BOT 413 / 3 credits
Field Methods in Plant Ecology / BOT 440 / 4 credits
Forest Ecology / FES 341 / 3 credits
Applied Community and Ecosystem Ecol / FW 321 / 3 credits
Origins of F&W Management-Evolution, Genetics, and Ecology / FW 360 / 3 credits
Conservation Genetics / FW 370 / 4 credits
Freshwater Ecology and Conservation / FW 456 / 5 credits
Wetlands and Riparian Ecology / FW 479 / 3 credits
The Human Microbiome / MB 436 / 3 credits
Microbe-Environment Interactions / MB 448 / 3 credits
AND at least one of the following:
Population Biology / BI 483 / 3 credits
Phylogenetics / BI 456 / 3 credits
Evolutionary Genomics/ BI 454/ 3 credits
Advanced Population Ecology / BOT 445 / 3 credits
Introductory Population Dynamics / FW 320 / 4 credits
Population Dynamics for Conservation / FW 433 / 4 credits
OR other class with advisor approval
Physical Environmental Sci
Choose 1 class; 3-4 credits
Soil Science / CSS 205 / 4 credits
Climate Science / ATS 201 / 4 credits
Earth Systems Science / GEO 202 / 4 credits
Oceanography / OC 201 / 4 credits
Costal Oceanography / OC 332 / 3 credits
Biological Oceanography / OC 340 / 4 credits
Environmental Geology / GEO 221 / 4 credits
OR other class with advisor approval
Environmental Informatics
Choose 2 clases; 7-8 credits
Foundations of Geospatial Science and GIS / GEOG 201 / 4 credits
Forest Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing / FE 209 / 4 credits
Forest Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry / FE 444 / 4 credits
GIS and Forest Engineering Applications / FE 257 / 4 credits
AND one of the following:
GIscience I: Geographic Information Systems and Theory / GEOG 360 / 4 credits
Remote Sensing I: Principles and Applications / GEOG 380 / 4 credits
Survey of Geographic Information Systems in Natural Resources / FW 303 / 3 credits
Precision Agriculture / CROP / HORT 414 / 4 credits
OR other class with advisor approval