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Elisa Di Meglio

alphande [at]

Cordley Hall

Cordley Hall 1109

2701 SW Campus Way

2701 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331



As an undergraduate, I attended OSU and was a member of the BPP family. During that time, I worked and volunteered with several groups at the university, from the McCune lab, the Herbarium, the Plant Clinic to a drug discovery lab in the Pharmacy department. I also worked seasonally as a biological technician for the USDA Forest Service doing a variety of botanical vascular plant and lichen surveys. Once I completed my undergraduate degree, I continued to work in the McCune lab for some time, eventually taking on a Master of Science program with Dr. McCune (BPP) and Dr. Shiel (CEOAS). In this program, I resampled moss and lichen communities in Arctic Alaska and observed their relationship to the Red Dog Zinc Mine haul road. This experience broadened my appreciation of ecology and the important role mosses and lichens can play in biomonitoring. Upon completion of my graduate degree, I accepted a position as an Ecampus instructor for the department and have been growing as an instructor ever since. This continued opportunity constantly exposes me to a diversity of students who all share one thing in common, a love of biology and all things plants!