The following individuals and organizations have contributed to the OSU Herbarium Vascular Plant Specimen Database. We are very grateful to all of them.
- Oregon Flora Project/OregonFlora (Scott Sundberg, Linda Hardison, Thea Jaster, Katie Mitchell)
- Oregon Coalition of Interdisciplinary Databases
- Bureau of Land Management, Native Plants Development Program
- National Science Foundation, Division of Biological Infrastructure
- Carex Working Group (Richard Brainerd, Keli Kuykendall, Dana Lytjen, Bruce Newhouse, Nick Otting, Barbara Wilson, Peter Zika): Cyperaceae
- Invaders Database System (Peter Rice): weeds
- Weyerhauser (Willamette Industries)
- H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest LTER
- US Fish and Wildlife Service (Andy Robinson)
- Oregon Department of Agriculture
- Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center
- George Argus: Salix
- Cliff Schmidt: Ceanothus
- Barbara Wilson: Festuca
- Department of Computer Science (Tom Diettrich, Ashit Gandhi): Acer, Quercus
- Department of Entomology (Peter McEvoy, Jason Fuller): Senecio
- General Specimen Data Entry: Joseph Bodwin, Marta Calderon, Brianne Davidson, Bailey Edgley, Jennifer Graham, Jenifer George, Matt Haase, Kristin Hayes, Tony Hill, Bernadette Jenkinson, Desiree Johnson, Chris Kleine, Joan Claire Krautmann, Paige Kruger, Jaya Lapham, ThuNyuget Le, Myra Long, Sathana Mam, Marissa Matsler, Kelsey Miles, Stephen C. Meyers, Miko Nadel, Andrew Needham, Ian Niktab, Tyler Norby, Kate Norman, Melissa Olsen, Laura Osinga, Basho Parry, Sherry Pittam, Logan Sander, Talia Sanfilippo, John Schenk, Kristin Skinner, Kathy Stroud, Rebecca Tippner-Hedges, Diana Wageman, Cristel Weitl, Carl Wiese, Barbara Wilson, Amanda Wood, Jeremy Wray, Tasha Wyatt, Lacey Yarbrough, James (Djibo) Zanzot, Steve Ziemak, Karen Zinger
- Database development and management: Sherry Pittam, Jason Alexander, Clay Gautier, Thea Cook, Katie Mitchell, Ann Willyard