OSU Herbarium
The Oregon State University Herbarium houses approximately 550,000 vascular plant, bryophyte, algal, and fungal specimens. The collections are worldwide in scope, with a focus on the state of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest.
Oregon State University Herbarium
Oregon State University's Herbarium supports learning, discovery, and engagement by obtaining and curating our state’s most comprehensive collection of plants, fungi, lichens, and algae from around the world, with a geographic emphasis on Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Our resources are used at OSU, across Oregon, nationally, and globally to create knowledge and solve problems. Curation and research in the collection fosters leadership and science-based expertise in our students, preparing them for service in natural resource and data management positions worldwide. We enrich communities across Oregon through our plant identification services, outreach and training sessions, and through our partnership with OregonFlora.