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Jay Pscheidt
- Many fungal and bacterial diseases are a constant problem for fruit and ornamental/nursery production in Oregon. Pathogen biology and life histories are studied in the field and lab to improve disease control recommendations. Screening biologicals, pesticides, or cultural practices effective against these organisms is an ongoing need valuable to Oregon's growers. Information is delivered to clientele using the latest techniques and technologies including satellite systems and the World Wide Web.

pscheidj [at]
Office: 541-737-5539
Other: 541-740-6621
pscheidj [at]
Office: 541-737-5539
Other: 541-740-6621
Cordley Hall
Cordley Hall 2621
2701 SW Campus Way
2701 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
My work focuses on diagnosis of disease problems on woody perennials including fruit, nut, and nursery crops, and cultural disease control tactics.
Research Description:Research and Extension Area: Develop applied diagnostic and control programs for plant diseases of tree fruits, nuts, berries, grapes, ornamentals/nursery, Christmas trees and turf.
Research Group Members
Faculty Research Assistants/Associates