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Marc Curtis

Senior Instructor I
curtisma [at]

Office: 541-737-5287

Cordley Hall

Cordley Hall 1115

2701 SW Campus Way

2701 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331



I completed my B.S. in Biochemistry at the University of New Hampshire. As an undergraduate, I did research on the bovine corpus luteum. After a year of odd jobs, I moved to Oregon to do my Ph.D. in Botany and Plant Pathology. I used fluorescence microscopy to study the role of mitochondria in cell death of oat cells in response to a fungal toxin. My Postdoctoral research  was on mechanisms of copying damaged DNA in cells of plant meristems. I then worked in the Plant Clinic using DNA diagnostics to identify microbial pathogens of ornamental plants before becoming an Instructor and an Advisor. I am lead advisor for both campus and Ecampus Botany undergraduates and Post Baccs.  Most of all, I love all that life is and cherish the time I spend studying nature and working and playing in nature.