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Savannah Phipps
- Identifying and characterizing root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus penetrans) resistance/tolerance in red raspberry (Rubus idaeus)
- Developing and evaluating genomic prediction models for improved selection of root lesion nematode resistance/tolerance in red raspberry
- Evaluating aerial and ground-based remote sensing technologies for detecting root lesion nematode stress in red raspberry

phippsav [at]
Cordley Hall
2701 SW Campus Way
PI: Inga Zasada
My research interest lies in the intersections of plant pathology and plant breeding, specifically the genetics involved in plant biotic stress resistance. Currently, I am studying the genetics behind various biotic stress resistances in Rubus species by employing modern genomic and phenomic methodologies.
My dissertation research involves:
I am also engaged in other projects investigating American large raspberry aphid (Amphorophora agathonica) resistance genes in black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) and the known raspberry bushy dwarf virus resistance gene, Bu, in red raspberry.
I collaborate with many USDA-ARS scientists, OSU faculty and staff members, and researchers from other universities and organizations on the aforementioned research projects.