Below is a list of recent BPP graduate student defenses.
Host and Environmental Drivers of Foliar Fungal Abundance and Composition in Coastal Douglas-Fir, Kyle Gervers
Exploring the Impact of Viral Pathogens on Blueberry Production in the Pacific Northwest, Katherine Topham
Interpreting the Phenotypes of Mutant Alleles Provides Insight into Sperm Cell Interactions and GEX2 Function in Double Fertilization, Harrison Flieg
Vegetation Community Changes in the First Year of a Willamette Valley Oak Savanna Restoration Project, Julia Metzler
- Molecular Signaling and Metabolic Responses Underlying Plant Pattern-Triggered Immunity, Conner Rogan
- The Impact of Surface Ocean Mixing on Phytoplankton Communities and Associated Carbon Pools, Brian VerWey
- Thiamin as an Immunity Inducer Against Diseases of Potato: Investigation of its Effectiveness and Molecular Mechanisms, Trent Berrian
- The Fungal Microbiome Associated with Grapevine Trunk Disease in Oregon Vineyards, Jessie Zimmerman
- An Exploration of the Ecological and Geographical Variability of Rhizopus microsporus Clinical and Environmental Isolates, Brandon Stairs
- Developing Tools to Better Characterize and Manage Grape Fungal Pathogens, Erysiphe necator and Botrytis in Oregon, Alex Wong
Toward a flexible and accurate approach to null network sampling, Zachary A. Bright
The Ecology and Epidemiology of Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae in Central Oregon Carrot Seed Production Systems, Katelyn D. Baldino
Community Ecology and Population Genomics of Rhizopogon in the Madrean Sky Island Archipelago, Carolina Pina Paez
Inferring Patterns and Processes of Emergence in Clonal Phytophthora Epidemics using Population Genomic Approaches, Nicholas Cauldron
Diseases of Rhododendron and Boxwood: Survey and Virulence of Phytophthora Root Rot and Management of Boxwood Blight with Systemic Fungicides, Gabriel Sacher
- Silviculture Impacts and Population Genomics of Coniferiporia sulphurascens, the Causal Agent of Laminated Root Rot, Shawn McMurtrey
Epidemic Dynamics of Sudden Oak Death in the Forests of Oregon, Adam Carson
Spatiotemporal Assessment of Crop Histories in the Pacific Northwest, Ishika Kumbhakar
Permineralized Mesozoic Moss Gametophytes and their Implications for Bryophyte Evolution, Alexander Bippus
Host and Pathogen Genetics in the Sharp Eyespot Disease of Wheat, Jiang Liu
Fungal Secondary Metabolism of Basidiobolus meristosporus: a Novel Natural Product Reservoir, Ian Trautman
Is Resistance Futile: Examining Fitness Costs Associated with QoI Resistance in E. necator, Chelsea Newbold
Science Takes Flight: Detection of Black Leg on Turnip Gray Mold on Hemp, Taylor Bates
Scratching the Surface of the Potato Geocaulosphere: Characterizing the Microbiome of Seed Tuber Tare Soil and its Impact on the Rhizosphere Microbiome, Kayla Delventhal
Insights into the pathology and epidemiology of Phytophthora ramorum, causal agent of sudden oak death, Hazel Daniels
- Community Ecology of Foliar Fungi and Oomycetes of Pseudotsuga menziesii on the Pacific Northwest Coast, Lilah Gonen
- Differential Effects of First Year Wheat Genotype on the Suppression of Take-All Disease and the Establishment of Suppressive Microbial Agents in the Rhizosphere, Evan Perkins
- Diversity and Impact of Soft Rot Pathogens of Potato in the Columbia Basin, Jessie Brazil
- A Putative PAMP-Induced Peptide Family Member is Associated with Symptom Severity to the Necrotic Strain NTN of Potato Virus Y in Potato, Max Combest
Role of GacSA Two-component System and Bacterial Surface Attachment in Pseudomonas syringae Virulence, Megan O'Malley
Landscape Genomics and Climatic Responses of Willamette Valley Alders, George Kral
- Identification of Viruses Associated with Raspberry Leaf Curl Disease, Melinda Guzman Martinez
Decadal Changes in Lichen and Vegetation Communities in Relation to Metal Deposition and Climate in Northern Alaska, Elisa Di Meglio
The Influence of Nitrogen Fertility on Hop Quality, Pest Management, and the Stability of Biological Control, Anne Iskra
- "Environmental Factors Affecting Phytophthora Root Rot of Rhododendron" ~ Angie Mestas
- "Secondary Metabolism in Tolypocladium : Characterization, Ecology, Evolution and Regulation" ~ Rheannon Rua Blount
- "Investigating Protein-lipid-membrane Interactions in Plant Cells using Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation" ~ Kai Tao
- "Contrasting Epiphytic and Ground Layer Macrolichen Communities along the Coast-to-inland Climatic Gradient in Oregon" ~ Abby Glauser
- "Hybridization between Castilleja levisecta and C. hispida : Implications for Pacific Northwest Prairie Management" ~ Isaac Jerome Sandlin III
- "Grape Powdery Mildew Management: The Interaction Between Inflorescence Stage and Fungicide Chemistry" ~ Brent Warneke
- "Drivers of Soil Fungal Communities Across Three Tropical Rainforests in Panama" ~ Tyler Schappe
- "Phytophthora ramorum within an Oregon tanoak forest : Quantifying inoculum within canopy throughfall vs. soil splash" ~ Silvia Benemann
- "Conservation of Rorippa columbiae : An Evaluation of Reintroduction Potential through the Study of Germination Ecology, Propagation Methods, and Habitat Requirements" ~ Laura Kentnesse
- "Candidate Genes Associated with Blister Rust Resistance in Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis) Revealed through de novo Transcriptome Assembly and Differential Gene Expression Analysis" ~ Zolton Bair
- "Realized and potential climate responses of lichen and bryophyte communities in a national forest inventory" ~ Robert Smith
- "Unearthing the Cretaceous Diversification of Cornales" ~ Brian Atkinson
- "Non-target Effects of Biological Control: Ecological Risk of Tyria jacobaeae (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) to Senecio triangularis (Asteraceae) in Western Oregon" ~ Madison Rodman
- "The Primary Disease Gradient of Wheat Stripe Rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) Across Spatial Scales" ~ Daniel Farber
- "Development and Application of Tools for Genetic Analysis of Clonal Populations" ~ Zhian Kamvar
- "Investigations of Black Leg and Light Leaf Spot on Brassicaceae Hosts in Oregon" ~ Briana Claassen
- "Identification of Endogenous and Exogenous Pararetroviruses in Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) and Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)" ~ Alfredo Diaz Lara
- "Genomic Investigations of Diversity within the Milkweed Genus Asclepias, at Multiple Scales" ~ Kevin Weitemier
- "Genome organization in the ectomycorrhizal truffle Rhizopogon vesiculosus" ~ Dabao Lu
- "Characterization of the transition to the programic phase in Zea mays pollen" ~ Caity Smyth
- "The role of plant-soil feedback in the invasion of Brachypodium sylvaticum in Douglas-fir forests" ~ Andrew Esterson
- "Understanding Host-Pathogen Interactions in the Sphaerulina musiva-Populus Pathosystem" ~ Kelsey Dunnell
- “Overwintering of Erysiphe necator and inoculum monitoring for decision aids” ~ Lindsey Thiessen
- "Alternative seed treatments for management of seedborne disease: case study, black leg on crucifer crops" ~ Morgan Schneider
- "Biological Soil Crusts of the Great Basin: Distribution, Recovery from Disturbance, and Restoration" ~ Lea Condon
- "Distribution of Phytophthora rubi and Pratylenchus penetrans in Pacific Northwest red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) fields" ~ Duncan Kroese
- "Mulching for Managing Mummy Berry of Blueberry" ~ Jade Florence
- “When humans fail to tell the story, let the lichens and plants tell it for us: Dating pre-historic cairns in southeast Alaska” ~ Nijmah Ali
- “Lichen Functional Trait Variation Along an East-West Climatic Gradient in Oregon and Among Habitats in Katmai National Park, Alaska” ~ Kaleigh Spickerman
- “The role of intraspecific functional trait variation in the differential decline of meadow species following conifer encroachment” ~ Jessica Celis
- "Mitigating harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms: the Role of Plant Humics" ~ Sus Theis
- "Seasonality as a driving factor of decomposition pathways in both meadows and forests: an exploration across a gradient of climate in Oregon" ~ Sam Colby
- "Yosemite region nitrogen deposition and lichen community composition change" ~ Martin Hutten
- “Phytosanitation of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) logs to mitigate the risk of artificially disseminating Phytophthora ramorum within the global trade of timber” ~ Joey Hulbert
- "Interactions Between Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Molybdenum in Forest Soils and Cyanobacterial Lichens in the Oregon Coast Range" ~ Jade A. Marks
- "Systematic, genomic, and transcriptomic analysis of mycoparasitic Tolypocladium species and their Elaphomyces hosts" ~ Alisha Owensby Quandt
- “Identification and Distribution of the Mating-Type Locus and Development of Cleistothecia of Podosphaera macularis” ~ Sierra Wolfenbarger
- "Lichen communities and caribou habitat in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska, USA" ~ Peter Nelson
- "Reconnecting children to nature through environmental education: An internship at Avery House Nature Center" ~ Jena Fay
- "An Experimental Reintroduction of Pleuropogon oregonus, a Rare Wetland Grass Native to Oregon" ~ Matt Groberg
- "Histological comparisons of needle tissues of four species of white pine infected with Cronartium ribicola" ~ Kat Sweeney
- "Presence and pathogenicity of Fusarium and Verticillium species in commercial red radish (Raphanus sativus) seed production in the Willamette Valley of Oregon" ~ Rachel Bomberger
- "Experimental reintroduction of Artemisia campestris var. wormskioldii, a rare species of dynamic cobble bar environments on the Columbia River" ~ Alexis Brickner
- "A Survey of Vascular Plants and Recreational Uses at Valley Camp, North Bend, WA" ~ Tamra Prior
- "Fungal endophyte diversity in foliage of native and cultivated Rhododendron species" ~ Hank Raizen