Bolstering Undergraduate Development and Success (BUDS)

BPP BUDS Mentors

What is BUDS?

Graduates and undergraduate students will be paired to engage in a mentor/mentee relationship; the program is organized by BPP graduate students. Participants will meet one-on-one with a graduate student mentor. Each pair of BUDS will be provided with a gift card to campus dinning and coffee shops for meetings. Workshops lead by graduate students are provided for undergraduates. Past workshops include: applying to grad school, GREs, resume building, and technical lab protocols.


We seek to improve academic excellence by engaging and educating undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. This program provides students with opportunities for outreach, community involvement, and mentoring skill development while also uniting the department and program.

Participation requirements

Interested students should contact the coordinators via e-mail. Student pairs will be selected based on interests, activities, and their central academic program.

How to get involved

Contact BUDS Coordinator Andreas Guerrero