Graduate Programs

Graduate Studies

The Department of Botany and Plant Pathology offers graduate programs in the following areas of concentration: Plant Health; Plant Development and Function; Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology; Mycology/Fungal Biology; Plant-Microbe Interactions; Biological Data Sciences. Application deadline is Dec 1, 2023 for Fall 2024.

Graduate Assistantships and Fellowships

Botany & Plant Pathology Diversity Advancement Graduate Assistantship


Applications for BPP and letters of reference should be received (uploaded or postmarked) by Dec. 1 for full consideration for admission in the following Fall term.  Applications and letters received after these dates will be reviewed for admission, as possible.  Admission into the BPP graduate program in terms other than Fall is unusual, and requires compelling circumstances.  Contact the BPP Chair of Graduate Studies Jeff Anderson between the months of September and June(Fall, Winter, and Spring terms) before submitting such an application.

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Financial Support

Financial support for graduate studies in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology is available through competitive graduate teaching or graduate research assistantships awarded by the department. Support may also be obtained from various graduate fellowship programs. Opportunities for part-time work study employment on research projects are also available.

In addition, Graduate Assistants receive a percentage amount towards their health insurance per academic year. The payment will be issued to the insurance carrier. This amount is 90% of the cost of the insurance and the student will be responsible for the remaining 10% of the cost. The Grad Assistant's enrollment onto the health plan will be a condition of the assistantship and mandatory unless they provide proof of comparable coverage. More information is available from Student Health Services.

For additional resources, please see the Graduate School 'Financing Your Education' page.

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Graduate Student Association

The BPP Graduate Student Association is comprised of all graduate students in the department. Learn more about the GSA!

Student Handbook

For frequently asked questions about coursework and defending your thesis, check what students have written.  All requirements are formalized in the Graduate Student Handbook.

Abstract Approval Form

As a requirement for the PhD Preliminary Exam, please fill out this form and include with a copy of your abstract when uploading it into the Box file (link attached to the form.  If you have any questions, reach out to the BPP Office Manager.

Graduate Student Exit Survey

Graduate students who are exiting the program are asked to complete an exit survey. Completing this is optional, but your reflections and constructive suggestions on the program could potentially improve our program and the experiences of future graduate students.