Graduate Students

Graduate Students

Photo Person Contact Information Specialty Area
Eliza Allen
Graduate Research Assistant
Contact person by email

Botany and Plant Pathology
Major Professor: Walter Mahaffee
Nathan Bearden
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

PI: Jared LeBoldus

Harrison Bell Contact person by email

PI: John Fowler Jr.

Theodora Borland Contact person by email

PI: David Gent

Emily Braithwaite
Graduate Research Assistant
Contact person by email

Major Professor: Alec Kowalewski , Major Professor: Hannah Rivedal
Rachel Brunner
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

PI: Thomas Kaye

PhD: Ecology
Major Professor: Thomas Kaye
Stephanie Chase Contact person by email

PI: Jared LeBoldus

scientist smiling Keonny Cosek
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

PI: Aymeric Goyer

Joseph DeShields Joseph DeShields
Faculty Research Assistant
Contact person by email

I assist with research related to grapevine red blotch disease (GRBD) and its causative agent the grapevine red blotch virus, namely in regards to detection methodology, local epidemiology, symptom mitigation, and vector...

scientist in the forest with mushrooms Joseph Di Meglio
Courtesy Appointment
PI: Jessie Uehling
Daniella Echeverria Contact person by email

I am a graduate student studying the interaction between soil microbial communities and soil-borne pathogens. I am advised by Dr. Ken Frost and co-advised by Dr. Hannah Rivedal. 

PI: Kenneth Frost

Botany and Plant Pathology
Major Professor: Kenneth Frost , Major Professor: Hannah Rivedal
Daniel Fager Contact person by email

I am currently comparing high throughput sequencing and bioassay indexing for the detection of viruses in strawberry and Rubus crops using large sample sets.

PI: Dimitre Mollov

PhD Plant Pathology
Major Professor: Dimitre Mollov
scientist with a hat in the mountains Daniel Farthing Contact person by email

PI: Joseph Spatafora

Nicholas Francis Contact person by email

PI: Sam Leiboff

scientist in the woods Joseph Gagne Contact person by email

PI: Andy Jones

Anupa Gaire
Graduate Research Assistant
Contact person by email

PI: Achala KC

Plant Pathology
Boluwatife Giwa Contact person by email

Dylan Gregory
Graduate Research Assistant
Contact person by email

Major Professor: Jeff Anderson
scientist holding mushroom in the fall Andreas Guerrero Contact person by email

PI: Jessie Uehling

Smiling scientist in the valley Grace Hardy
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

PI: Jeremiah Dung

BPP Graduate Student Pear Intasin in front of a tree Pear Intasin Contact person by email

Tanner Jefferson
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

PI: Molly Megraw

Research scientist Emily Johnson Emily Johnson
AWage-Sal: Faculty Res Assist
Contact person by email
Kameron Kilday
Faculty Research Assistant
Contact person by email

PI: Kenneth Johnson

scientist in herbarium lab Alexandria Kurowski Contact person by email

PI: Aaron Liston

Naia Marten
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

Hans Mejia de Leon Contact person by email

Botany & Plant Pathology
Major Professor: Inga Zasada
Kyle Mondron
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

In the broadest sense, I am interested in host-microbe interactions and fungal biology. I'm driven by questions regarding how organisms interact, particularly at molecular and genetic scales. My research on the bacterial symbionts living within the fungal cells of early-diverging fungi in the...

PI: Jessie Uehling

Botany and Plant Pathology
Major Professor: Jessie Uehling
Sebastian Mortimer Contact person by email

My interests are botany, systematics, and molecular evolution. At OSU, I am studying sex chromosome evolution in wild strawberries (Fragaria) and the ecological consequences of sex chromosome turnover. 

PI: Aaron Liston

Major Professor: Aaron Liston
Abigail Neat
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

PI: Posy Busby

Lester Nunez Ro... Contact person by email

PI: Inga Zasada

Ph.D. Student, Botany and Plant Pathology
Major Professor: Inga Zasada
Savannah Phipps
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

My research interest lies in the intersections of plant pathology and plant breeding, specifically the genetics involved in plant biotic stress resistance. Currently, I am studying the genetics behind various biotic stress resistances in Rubus species by employing modern genomic and...

PI: Inga Zasada

Botany and Plant Pathology
Major Professor: Inga Zasada , Major Professor: Michael Hardigan
happy scientist in front of a forest Brooklyn Richards Contact person by email

PI: Andy Jones

Hayley Park Contact person by email

PhD Student, Botany and Plant Pathology
Major Professor: Posy Busby , Major Professor: Christopher Mundt
Maria Jose Romero Jimenez sitting in front of the ocean at sunset Maria Jose Rome... Contact person by email

I am currently isolating foliar fungal epiphytes and endophytes from Populus trichocarpa. Previously, I studied the ecology of root associated dark septate endophyte of the Darksidea genus and the description of a novel Darksidea lineage. I am also interested in...

PI: Posy Busby

Mycology, Plant Pathology
Major Professor: Posy Busby
Scientist Diana Ruggiero smiling Diana Ruggiero
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

PI: Samuel Leiboff

happy scientist in agriculture field Isabelle Stiver
Graduate Fellow

PI: Fletcher Halliday

Gabrielle Studebaker Contact person by email

Major Professor: Inga Zasada
Kimberly Syring
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

Fungal genomics, metabolomics, physiology, and evolution

Ph.D. Mycology
Major Professor: Joseph Spatafora
Melissa Vergara Contact person by email

PI: Posy Busby

Major Professor: Posy Busby
scientist in front of plants Brent Warneke
Faculty Research Assistant
Contact person by email

PI: Jay Pscheidt

happy scientist in the forest wearing rainbow glasses Kassondra Watson Contact person by email

PI: Michael Behrenfeld

Joshua Wingfield
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

Mycology, Fungal Biology, Fungal Ecology, Ectomycorrhizal Fungal community dynamics, Fungal secondary metabolomics, Fungal genomics, Fungal evolution

Master of Science, Botany and Plant Pathology
Major Professor: Jared LeBoldus
Michele Wiseman looking at plant specimens in a greenhouse Michele Wiseman Contact person by email

My career developmental aims are to 1) build interdisciplinary competencies and collaborations, 2) develop and utilize molecular and phenotyping tools for high-throughput investigation of etiological agents, 3) use these data to further our understanding of plant susceptibility to disease, 4)...

PI: David Gent

Major Professor: David Gent

Former Student

Former Student
Photo Person Contact Information Specialty Area
Rachel Baschieri Contact person by email

I am interested in studying gene expression and hormone and metabolite translocation during panicle development of the determinate grass species, Sorghum bicolor. I will employ transcriptomics, metabolomics, and computational prediction and modeling methods to understand the genes and...

Botany, Horticultural Sciences
Major Professor: Samuel Leiboff
Trenton Berrian Contact person by email

PI: Aymeric Goyer

Botany and Plant Pathology
Major Professor: Aymeric Goyer
Zachary Bright
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

Computational biology, bioinformatics, biochemistry, computer science

PI: Molly Megraw

Botany and Plant Pathology
Major Professor: Molly Megraw
Nicholas Carleson Contact person by email

PI: Niklaus Grunwald

BioResource Research, PhD: Plant Pathology
Major Professor: Niklaus Grunwald
Harrison Flieg Contact person by email

PI: John Fowler Jr.

Kyle Gervers
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

PI: Joseph SpataforaPI: Posy Busby

PhD: Mycology
Major Professor: Joseph Spatafora, Major Professor: Posy Busby
Sabrina Heitmann Contact person by email

Julia Metzler
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

Botany, Native Plants, Restoration Ecology

PI: Linda Hardison

Major Professor: Linda Hardison
Conner Rogan Contact person by email

PI: Jeff Anderson

PhD: Microbiology
Major Professor: Jeff Anderson
Brandon Stairs Contact person by email

PI: Jessie Uehling

Botany and Plant Pathology
Major Professor: Jessie Uehling
Hannah Suli Contact person by email

Mycology, Forest Pathology

PI: Jared LeBoldus

Katherine Gray Contact person by email

PI: Dimitre Mollov