
Department Head

Photo Person Contact Information
Joseph Spatafora
Department Head
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Graduate Faculty

Photo Person Contact Information Summary of Specialty Area
Jeff Anderson
Associate Professor
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Molecular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis and plant disease resistance

Inter-Kingdom chemical signaling between bacteria and plants; Pseudomonas syringae; Arabidopsis; Signal transduction; Metabolomics

  • My laboratory is working to...
Michael Behrenfeld
Contact person by email

A primary thrust in my research has been to bridge fundamental understandings in physiology and biochemistry with broad-scale understanding of biospheric functioning. Topics of my research include photobiology, plankton ecology, biospheric remote sensing and development of satellite sensors/...

Posy Busby
Associate Professor
Contact person by email

Plant microbiome ecology

  • Research in the Busby lab focuses on plant-fungal interactions, plant disease, and community ecology. Our current research seeks to characterize communities of non-pathogenic fungi that live in plants, “endophytes,” and to test how...
Jeff Chang Jeff Chang
Contact person by email

Microbial genomics; Plant-microbe interactions; Microbe-microbe interactions

  • We study the mechanistic, ecological, and evolutionary bases for plant-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions. Our research program involves diverse taxa of bacterial pathogens and mutualists....
Marc Curtis
Senior Instructor I
Contact person by email


Valerian Dolja
Contact person by email

Virus diversity, origins and evolution

  • Previous research included plant cell biology (functional genomics of plant myosin transport), functional genomics of plant RNA viruses and virus-derived gene expression and RNAi vectors.

Research Group Members

Jeremiah Dung
Associate Professor

Molecular epidemiology, population biology, disease modeling, and integrated disease management

  • Research conducted in the plant pathology lab at the Central Oregon Agricultural Research and Extension...
John Fowler Jr
Contact person by email

Plant cell and developmental biology

  • My primary research interest is in the molecular mechanisms that govern cellular morphogenesis and development in plants.  At the cellular level, I am most interested in how the regulation of two cellular processes – cell polarity and...
Michael Freitag
Contact person by email

Kenneth Frost
Associate Professor
Contact person by email

Ecology and epidemiology, agricultural systems, insect vectored plant pathogens, agricultural microbiome, disease diagnostics and management

David Gent
Courtesy Appointment
Contact person by email

Plant Pathology, Disease Ecology, Disease Epidemiology

  • Our research centers around better understanding the epidemiology and biology of downy mildew and powdery mildew diseases, Fusarium diseases, and durable host resistance. Our research has both basic and applied aspects,...
Aymeric Goyer
Associate Professor (Sr Res)
Contact person by email

Research Interests:

We are studying crops’ gene function related to plant metabolism and plant-microbe molecular interactions with the goal of improving crops’ nutritional quality and resistance to pathogens.

Our research involves a combination of molecular...

Jason Graff
Associate Professor (Sr Res)
Contact person by email

Phytoplankton ecology and physiology, bacteria-phytoplankton interactions, developing and improving methods for investigating marine phytoplankton from the cellular to global scale.

  • My research interests range from cellular to global scale processes related to phytoplankton...
Fritzi Grevstad
Assistant Professor (Sr Res)
Contact person by email

Population ecology, invasive species ecology, plant-insect interactions, biological control of weeds.

  • I am interested in the population dynamics and interactions of plants and herbivorous insects, particularly as they relate to the biological control of weeds. My current...
Niklaus Grunwald
Courtesy Appointment
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Christina Hagerty Christina Hagerty
Associate Professor
Contact person by email

My lab is focused on serving the producers and stakeholders of high quality Oregon wheat. Our goal is to conduct relevant, practical, and applied research on the biology and control of soil-borne plant-pathogenic fungi and nematodes that limit yields of dryland wheat production in the Inland...

scientist with glasses Fletcher Halliday
Assistant Professor
Contact person by email

In the Disease Ecology and Diversity Lab, we study host and pathogen communities to understand what determines disease risk in complex ecological...

Linda Hardison
Assistant Professor (Sr Res)
Contact person by email

Director of the Oregon Flora Project

Research Group Members

Sergey Ivanov
Assistant Professor
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Pankaj Jaiswal Pankaj Jaiswal
Contact person by email

Flowering Time, Seed Development, Comparative Plant Genomics, Functional genomics, Systems Biology, Bioinformatics, Genome Annotation, Biochemical and Regulatory Pathway Databases, Genome Databases, Ontology Development.


Frank Andrew Jones
Associate Professor

Molecular ecology, population ecology, community ecology, tropical ecology.

Thomas Kaye
Courtesy Appointment
Contact person by email

My major areas of research are population dynamics of endangered plants and invasive species. This area provides opportunities for experiments with rare species reintroduction, seed germination studies, population viability analysis with matrix models, and evaluation of habitat management...

Achala KC
Associate Professor
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Tree fruit and wine grape pathology.

  • Develop a progressive applied research and educational outreach program that address emerging diseases in horticultural crops (tree fruits and wine grapes). The plant pathology research program at SOREC is focused on developing integrated...
Brent Kronmiller
Assistant Professor (Sr Res)
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Jared LeBoldus
Associate Professor
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Forest pathology; the genomics host-parasite interactions in natural ecosystems; impacts of biotic disturbance on forest structure and function; molecular mechanisms of innate immunity in plants; tree and pathogen genomics; Populus spp.; Sphaerulina musiva.

Samuel Leiboff
Assistant Professor
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The Leiboff Lab uses quantitative techniques to understand plant development. We are interested in understanding the way the plant assembles its leaves and flowers and the dynamic changes in shape and molecular activity that happen on the way.

Our Research

From the...

Aaron Liston
Contact person by email

My research focuses on the application of genomics to plant phylogeny and speciation. I am currently using the strawberry genus (Fragaria) as a model for studying the evolution of polyploidy and sex chromosomes.


Research Group Members

  •  ...
Walter Mahaffee
Courtesy Appointment
Contact person by email

Research focuses on understanding the ecology of microorganisms on plant surfaces, and applying that knowledge to reduce disease development in agronomic settings while enhancing the economic and sustainable production of horticultural crops. Current research projects (1) inoculum monitoring...

Molly Megraw
Associate Professor
Contact person by email

Transcription Factors, machine learning, Arabidopsis, plant natural products, microRNAs/miRNAs, systems biology, synthetic biology

  • My lab works on identifying critical transcriptional regulators conditionally expressed in specific tissues and under specific stress-induced...
James Mickley
Contact person by email

Our priceless and irreplaceable collection of plants, fungi, lichens, and algae provides data to allow us to see where species were historically, how that has changed, and how species have evolved. Join us, and contribute to our knowledge of the...

Allen Milligan
Associate Professor (Sr Res)
Contact person by email

Application of cellular-scale molecular and biochemical studies of microalgae, bacteria and corals to environmental questions about ecosystem function and global change.

  • Mechanistic-level knowledge of the oceanic ecosystem gives oceanographers the ability to predict and hind-...
Sushma Naithani
Associate Professor (Sr Res)
Contact person by email

Naithani Lab

Area of Expertise: Systems biology, Genomics, Cell-cell signaling, Self-incompatibility, Mitochondria biogenesis, Photosynthesis, and Chloroplast biology, Plant pathway biocuration, and gene-gene network modeling

The current research focus of...

Cynthia Ocamb
Contact person by email

Research and Extension Area: Diagnosis and disease management in vegetable and field crops.

  • Primary interests include pathogen biology and disease management. Research emphasis is on the integration of cultural and chemical practices with alternative strategies, such as...
Mana Ohkura
Plant Clinic Director & Professor of Practice
Contact person by email

Head of the Plant Clinic

Dr. Barry Pryor, mycologist, in the Cordley Hall courtyard at OSU Barry Pryor
Contact person by email

Jay Pscheidt
Contact person by email

My work focuses on diagnosis of disease problems on woody perennials including fruit, nut, and nursery crops, and cultural disease control tactics.

Research Description: 

Research and Extension Area: Develop applied diagnostic and control programs for plant diseases of tree...

Hannah Rivedal
Courtesy Status
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As a USDA-ARS Research Plant Pathologist, my research program focuses on finding solutions to plant pathology challenges facing the forage seed, grass seed, and hemp industries of the Pacific Northwest. In particular, identifying strategies for early and accurate disease diagnosis and...

Gar Rothwell
Courtesy Appointment
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Studies of fossil and living land plants are directed toward a fuller understanding of phylogeny and evolution. These are explored using data from morphological, anatomical, ultrastructural, developmental, and molecular characters. Evaluations of ontogeny, reproductive biology, and organismal...

Luisa Santamaria
Contact person by email

My main goal is to develop educational programs based on the needs and priorities for the Oregon nursery industry.

Program Areas of Focus:

  • Bilingual Education programs in plant health.
  • Management practices to control plant diseases in Nursery crops and...
Ruth Stockey
Courtesy Appointment
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  • Whole plant biology of fossil plants and their use in phylogenetic analysis.
  • Evolution of ferns, gymnosperms, and aquatic angiosperms.
  • Phylogenetic trends in the Coniferales.
  • Fossil record of monocots.
  • ...
Virginia Stockwell
Courtesy Appointment
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Integrated management of bacterial plant diseases with an emphasis in biological control.

  • My research focuses on utilizing biological control agents as a disease management tool. A guiding tenet of my research is that we can optimize biological control by understanding of the...
Jessie Uehling
Assistant Professor
Contact person by email

My research


Dry forest canopy access German Vargas Gutierrez
Assistant Professor
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Research interests:

Plant ecophysiology, tropical ecology, forest resilience, ecological modeling, climate change, plant hydraulics, ecological forecasting.


Lab website: Forest...
Jerry Weiland
Courtesy Appointment
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Our goal is to conduct applied and basic research that helps growers control nursery plant diseases. Our research approach is to identify and better understand the pathogens that are causing disease so that we can use that information to develop effective disease control strategies.


Alexandra Weisberg
Assistant Professor
(541) 737-7003
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Evolution of Plant/Microbe Interactions

We work to understand how plants and microbes interact, as well as the role of mobile genetic elements in these symbioses. We use genomics, molecular biology, and computational methods to study populations of microbial pathogens and...

Toby Westberry
Assistant Professor (Sr Res)
Contact person by email

Ocean color remote sensing and bio-optics; Marine phytoplankton, primary production, physiology, biogeochemical cycling

  • My research investigates the role and functioning of marine algae (phytoplankton) in the ocean ecosystem.  What controls their distributions, patterns of...
Inga Zasada
Courtesy Appointment
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  • Develop economic thresholds for plant-parasitic nematodes important to small fruits and understand under which conditions these thresholds apply.
  • Develop production systems which promote root health and encourage the establishment of plant-parasitic nematode suppressive...


Photo Person Contact Information Specialty Area
Elisa Di Meglio
Contact person by email


Amy Honan Amy Honan
Contact person by email

Jessica Lodwick in front of leafy background Jessica Lodwick
Contact person by email

My teaching interests are grounded in the ecological and evolutionary basis of life on earth. I have previously developed and taught courses in animal behavior and scientific writing, with a focus on fundamental ecological principles and biological concepts. I am currently teaching...

Jennifer Lorang
Contact person by email


Caity Smyth Johanna Smyth
Senior Instructor I
Contact person by email


Courtesy Appointments

Photo Person Contact Information Specialty Area
Nanci Adair
Courtesy Appointment (Center for Gene Res & Biotech)
Courtesy Faculty
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Austen Apigo
Postdoctoral Scholar
Contact person by email

PI: Posy Busby

Kelsey Bisson
Assistant Professor (Sr Res)
Contact person by email

I leverage observations from remote technologies, together with numerical models, to inform our understanding of ocean biogeochemistry from polar to global scales.  

Specific research interests

Richard Cronn
Courtesy Appointment
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Plant population and evolutionary genetics, genetic mechanisms of adaptation

  • Our research focuses on four main areas: (1) studying the genetic basis of adaptation through the integration of genomic (transcriptomic) and quantitative variation; (2) studying the evolutionary...
Zachary Foster
Courtesy Appointment
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Irene Blakey Lockman
Courtesy Appointment
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Robert Martin
Courtesy Appointment
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My research focuses on understanding viruses of small fruit crops, developing diagnostic tests for viruses, understanding the epidemiology of viruses to develop control strategies, developing resistance to viruses of small fruit crops through genetic engineering and identifying resistance...

Caroline Press
Courtesy Appointment
Courtesy Faculty
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Jay Reichman
Courtesy Appointment
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Research Areas:

  • Biotechnology risk assessment
    • Engineered microbes
    • Biopesticides
  • Impacts from:
    • Metals, toxins & nutrients
    • Incidental nano & microplastics
    • ...
Isaac Sandlin
Courtesy Appointment
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Carolyn Scagel
Courtesy Appointment
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Dagmara Sirova
Courtesy Appointment
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James Trappe
Courtesy Appointment
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Taxonomy of hypogeous fungi; floristics of alpine fungi; mycorrhizal ecology and applications; fungal-animal interactions.

  • Mycorrhizal ecology of subalpine and alpine ecosystems; mammal-truffle...
Donald Walker
Courtesy Appointment
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Sunia Yang
Courtesy Appointment
Courtesy Faculty
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Photo Person Contact Information Specialty Area
Thomas Allen Jr
Emeritus Appointment
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Ralph Berry
Emeritus Appointment
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IPM - Field crops and soil insects

William Brandt
Emeritus Appointment
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Lynda Ciuffetti
Emeritus Appointment
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Molecular genetics of plant-parasitic fungi; evaluation of pathogenicity factors

  • Our major research interest is in the area of host-pathogen interactions, specifically, interactions involving fungal pathogens. We are primarily interested in the investigation of the genetic...
Stella Coakley
Emeritus Appointment
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Malcolm Corden
Emeritus Appointment

Frederick Crowe
Emeritus Appointment
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Richard Halse
Emeritus Appointment
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Taxonomy of the Hydrophyllaceae; ecology and taxonomy of Sidalcea; floristics of Oregon.

Description of Research

I am interested in the taxonomy of the Hydrophyllaceae, the waterleaf family, which has its greatest diversity in western North America...

Philip Hamm
Emeritus Appointment
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Identification and control of diseases impacting vegetable and seed crops; understanding impacts to soilborne pathogens following fumigation; diseases caused by Phytophthora sp.; Identification and control of Potato diseases.

  • Virus, nematodes and fungal pathogens are...
Everett Hansen
Emeritus Appointment
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Russell Ingham
Emeritus Appointment
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Biology, ecology, pathology and management of nematodes in potato, onion, and other field crops.

  • Nematodes which live in soil may be plant parasites, insect parasites or feed on microbial or faunal organisms in the soil. My research involves the study of the biology and...
Kenneth Johnson
Academic Wage Appt - Salaried
Contact person by email

Plant pathology with emphasis on disease ecology, pathogen detection and integrated management strategies.

Joyce Loper
Emeritus Appointment
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 Plant-associated bacteria, biological control of plant diseases, identification and function of bacterial secondary metabolites, and microbial genomics....

Bruce Mc Cune
Emeritus Appointment
Professional Faculty
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I work in three overlapping, interdependent areas (see lab website):

  • Tools for analysis of ecological communities and habitats: My research on analytical tools concerns how species abundance as a response variable...
Peter Mc Evoy
Emeritus Appointment
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Ecology and Evolution of Plant-Insect Interactions, Ecology and Biological Control of Invasive Plant Species, Conservation of Plants and Insects

Description of Research

The research in my laboratory focuses primarily on the ecology of invasive plant species...

Russel Meints
Emeritus Appointment
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Dallice Mills
Emeritus Appointment
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Patricia Muir
Emeritus Appointment
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Christopher Mundt
Academic Wage Appt - Salaried
Contact person by email

Plant disease epidemiology; host plant resistance; population genetics of plant pathogens; effects of plant genetic diversity on disease and productivity; sustainable agriculture.

Successes in breeding disease-resistant crops have often been countered by the ability of plant pathogen...

Mary Powelson
Emeritus Appointment

Melodie Putnam
Emeritus Appointment
Contact person by email

I am interested in why plants fail, which fits nicely with my position in the OSU Plant Clinic where we diagnose diseases/disorders of plants and identify arthropods.

We are in the early stages of integrating whole genome sequencing in our...

Carol Rivin
Emeritus Appointment
Contact person by email

Molecular genetics of maize; genetic programs controlling plant development; regulation of gene expression during embryogenesis.

Description of Research

My laboratory is interested in how genetic programs control plant development. We work on several...

Sterling Russell
Emeritus Appointment

Luis Sayavedra-Soto Contact person by email

Molecular biology, biochemistry and physiology of microorganisms that are capable of alkane oxidation and of microorganisms in the nitrogen cycle.

Description of Research

My major interest is the study of nitrifying and alkane-utilizing bacteria. Nitrifying...

Alfred Soeldner
Emeritus Appointment
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Robert Spotts
Emeritus Appointment
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Jeffrey Stone
Courtesy Appointment
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Mycology, ecology and systematics of fungal endophytes; taxonomy, ecology and infection biology of fungal parasites of conifers and other woody hosts; taxonomy and systematics of microascomycetes and asexual, conidial fungi.

  • Mycology, ecology and evolutionary biology of...
David Sugar
Emeritus Appointment
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Mark Wilson
Emeritus Appointment
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Thomas Wolpert
Emeritus Appointment
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Biochemistry and molecular biology of host-parasite interactions.

  • We are attempting to understand the interactions that occur between a plant host and its microbial parasite at the molecular level. Specifically, we are investigating diseases caused by fungal pathogens which...
Donald Zobel
Emeritus Appointment
Contact person by email
Recent Publications

Zobel, D.B. and J.A. Antos.  2009.  Species properties and recovery from disturbance: Forest herbs buried by volcanic tephra. Journal of Vegetation Science 20:  650-662.

Zobel, D.B. 2011. Beyond the methods manual.  Some things to know while you work...