Chang Lab

Jeff Chang, PI

The Chang lab studies the interactions between bacteria and plants. We focus on bacteria and study both mutualistic (beneficial) and pathogenic (detrimental) types of bacteria to understand their ecology and evolution, and the mechanisms by which they interact with plants. Our research relies heavily on generating, processing, and analyzing whole genome sequences to generate and test hypotheses. To date, we have sequenced more than 500 genomes from many taxa of bacteria.

Lab website:


Students will learn to process and analyze whole genome sequence data. Tasks may include assembling genome sequences, constructing phylogenies, identifying genes of interest, and/or using genomic data to generate hypotheses on transmission and evolution. Two recent publication that exemplify the types of work the student will do are in Savory et al. (2017) and Davis et al. (2018) (view at Google Scholar).


Students will learn fundamental concepts in plant symbiotic interactions, information flow, and genomics. Students will use genomic data to learn the scientific process.