Lloyd Nackley, PI
The Nackley lab promotes sustainable horticulture. Research projects reflect an integration of skills and knowledge in pest management, plant propagation, plant nutrition, soil science, ecology, economics, and policy. We develop opportunities for mechanization and technology to offset decreased available labor and increased labor costs.
Lab website: https://agsci.oregonstate.edu/users/lloyd-nackley
Project website: https://agsci.oregonstate.edu/nursery/production/optimized-irrigation
- Email: lloyd.nackley@oregonstate.edu
- Phone: 971.801.0385
The intern will learn to how integrate sensing technologies to optimize plant production. Sensors will include ground-based measurements as well as aerial (drone) based sensors. The sensors will be used to quantify how changes in management practices, such as increasing or decreasing irrigation and fertilizers, will affect plant growth and performance.
Students will learn how to develop a hypothesis, design an experiment, collect and analyze data. There will be Extension opportunities to learn how to communicate data to local stakeholders and community members.